Some of the flock

Great photos. Is your run cover made of rows of string? Is that working well for you?
Gorgeous birds - thanks for sharing pics! I always love to see not only folks' poultry, but also, how they are housed, how their run is set up, etc. Gives me future ideas! Thanks again for sharing!
I used heavy fishing line strung across the top of the run. It was time consuming...back and forth. I tied little pcs of yarn on the line in different spots so they would blow in the breeze.

My thought process at the time was it would cut down on attacks from overhead. So far so good. I lock my birds up at I wasn't looking for it to keep night time wanderers out of the run.

I need to replace some of it in the spring. Had some issues with the turkeys getting tangled up in it here and there, but not the chickens.

i miss my flock, more now than before i looked at your picks,,,i need the sun,,,grass,,,and the freerangers,,,,wondering the yard,,,

love the favorelle,,,,no rooster prettier in my opinion,,,,

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