Some people are soooo stupid....MOTHER!


8 Years
Jun 4, 2011
middle earth
I raise silkies. No one in my family knows a thing about chickens except that they eat eggs for breakfast and have chicken dinners sometimes. Ive been telling them about my hobby and all my stepdad ever says in remarks is about eating the silkies (jokingly). I tell him they are too scrawny to eat and my eggs are fertilized for hatching. He teases that he cant figure out why anyone would wanna keep chickens that we cant eat and don't eat their eggs. "well, I do have an egg layer that doesn't have a rooster around" but she has been broody raising chicks. Now, she is over that and giving me eggs again.

I saved 7 eggs for my stepdad, took them to my mom's, told her I saved UNfertilized eggs for him so that he would know all chickens can be useful, and as I was talking, she curled her upper lip and snarled. I just walked out the door and said "nevermind, goodbye".

I guess eggs from chickens raised on steroids, hormones, and antibiotics shot up with vaccines are what she would rather have.

yeap, people are stupid... I often think animals laugh at our stupidity.... wow I wouldn't even bother to give them eggs again. or atleast get your step dad to pick them up himself. I too raise Silkies and for me its not about eating them ( I never have) its about the pleasure of keeping them, and breeding them to be better ( I am currently planning on this seasons hatching as to whom I will keep the eggs of to incubate) I do eat the eggs though, so I guess there is that aspect to it. they maybe scrawny but the 'asians' ( using the term broardly here in a non racist way) love them for the 'medicinal' properties that they have, also for making soups which they are apparently good for .
"good luck hatching! I have the same thing going. and now making money...silkies are easy to sell :)"

thanks, yes they are easy to sell, but difficult to sex, unless I know for sure then I wont sell them as sexed. if it think its boy I wont say well it could go either way. of course you cant get everything right with sexing them when they are young I will sell them as unsexed but after that I usually offer for people to bring them back if they turn into boys for a refund/ swap. they arnt always as easy to breed which is a shame . thanks and good luck with your hatchings, breedings and egg eating + with your parents
I have a brother who doesn't want any of my eggs, but he is very picky anyway. You would think it would be the opposite and he would want eggs that were home grown. The first time I gave him eggs, one of them had either a dirt or poop spot on it and I think that was the reason. I told him to just wash it before using it. Now when I offer him eggs, he never needs any. Now my other brother and sister think it is a treat to get my eggs and never turn them down. I love my girls and getting eggs is just a bonus.
I agree with the above, its more the company and the love/joy of it. whilest my brother hates the chickens ( he loves the eggs though) and my father doesn't care either way they cant really say much, each have their own hobbies that I put up with ( loud bass and music at 2am anybody?) they put up with mine. though personally I think mines batter haha

this thread might help with the annoying people and city people
I sell them but only locally this year. check craigslist for the area you live in. I think there will be lots there. There are lots of listings here for silkies.
I sell them but only locally this year. check craigslist for the area you live in. I think there will be lots there. There are lots of listings here for silkies.

Where do they think store bought eggs come from? We had our friends daughter(she was 6) at our house, and when we collected eggs my wife asked her if she wanted to eat some of them. She told us that she didn't eat eggs that come from a chickens butt.

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