Some Technicalities...

Bobby Basham

7 Years
Jul 20, 2012
Tucson, Arizona
Hi, Folks,

Bobby Basham again from Tucson, Arizona. I'm sorta anal in some ways and am slowly reading ALL the old posts, and enjoying it. I haven't checked in with the Tucson folks yet, but I'll do that when I take two weeks off starting August 12th.

Anyhoo, our City ordinance says that you can have 24 hens, no roosters, and the coop has to be a minimum of 50ft from neighboring residences.

My concrete jungle HOA says you can have a reasonable amount of fowl as long as they are not a nuisance. I'm reading through my HOA stuff and can't find a reasonable number anywhere, and it does not state how far a structure can be from a neighbor. All they care about is that it can't be seen over the brick walls that separate all our back lots.

Someone mentioned that out in our climate, there really is no need for a coop, so I was thinking about getting some type of cage/kennel and putting it next to my covered patio. The roof of my house extends to make that covered patio. The oncovered area is about 7 1/2 feet wide x 50 feet along the whole lenght of the neighboring wall. To keep it even with the patio, the enclosure would be about 7ft x 12ft and would house five hens, maybe some Buff Orpingtons or Barred Rocks.

I'm thinking of some type of 4ft/5ft high kennel about the size mentioned above to put in that spot. If I go coopless, I would stick a raised nesting box or two in there (I'm very handy with power tools), and some shielding cover for some of the nasty rains that we do get doing the monsoon season.

Of course, all the other ammenities (food, water, dustbath, perches, swinging toys etc.) would be in there for their sustanance and enjoyment, and I've read all about the hardware cloth, since being coopless could up the anty on predators. I can't wait to their needs on my grocery list when I go shopping for veggies, etc. at the store.

We do have spots here and there where the temps may drop down to about 28 degrees for a few days in a row, but chickens are pretty hardy, and think they'll be okay. I may start this project later this year, but not actually get the girls until they become available again around next February/March.

Since I'm not officially erecting some type of building, I'm thinking I can get away with putting that kennel right beside my patio. My electric piano and Hammond organ are right by the sliding glass door, and I can provide them some live entertainment and goodies. I keep the 9-foot Concert Grand way out front in the living room...LOL!

This particular community was built in 2006, and I haven't seen any critters around here, but who knows what type of critters chickens may attract. I've only seen some huge crows around the area, nothing else.

I'm short in stature, so I would have no problem taking a folding chair or stool in the pen to gab with them about their day, while cleaning up the joint. I want my babies to love me and get excited everytime they see me. I know they're greedy, and probably just love me for my treats and giving love on them, stroking the wattles.

Bobby Basham
Tucson, Arizona
I would use the city ordinance s far as the distance from your neighbors. Doubt the HOA would let you get away with 24 hens. Might contact them first and discuss numbers before investing. As long as they have a draft free place to roost in the winter they should be fine. The "hoop coop" might be good and are reasonably inexpensive. The purina coop may be an option too with as few birds as you are planning. Might have to shorten it if it's too tall for your fence.
As the above poster said, you don't want and wind blowing on your hens at night. Someone on here has a three-sided coop that might be worth you looking at. It's a bit like a field shelter with the open side continuing straight into the run. By placing the back towards the direction of prevailing winds, you can easily get around building an enclosed coop.
Another thing to remember is that your birds will need shelter from the sun. The three-sided coop could provide that, without you needing to build anything extra.

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