I have had the worst luck with my black and white chickens. I started out with a Cuckoo Marans rooster, two Barred Rock pullets, two Dominique pullets and six Welsummers (one rooster and five pullets). A couple of days after I got them all that was left of the Cuckoo Marans was a couple of piles of feathers (looked like he put up a fight) and no body, one of the Barred Rock pullet was missing her head, and one of the Dominiques was limping. Thankfully she recovered after a week. About two months after that one of the Domiques just vanished. No feathers. No nothing. And a week after that the other Dominique was found half eaten. All of the Welsummers are perfectly fine. In every instance it happened first thing in the morning (my husband was letting them out for the day when he left for work at six in the morning). I think that it might be a hawk because I know that there are some in my area but I haven't actually seen one in over a year. Any ideas on what could be getting them?