Something is stealing the eggs

I am having this problem right now, too. My coop and run are pretty secure, it has 1/4" square wire on all sides and there are no holes under the walls/fence. There is only one spot on the run that has 1"x2" wire on the roof. So what ever it is must go up the 4ft fence to get in, and the nesting boxes about 3 ft off the ground and my hens have to jump to get in. I feel like it may be rats, I know that we have those. And I know they eat anything. My friend had a pet rat that ate her entire cockatiel including feathers, bones. The only think it didn't eat was the skull. I don't know how a snake could get in the nesting box...I am going to put the camera out there and a light to try to catch the culprit....
I would be interested in knowing the results of your camera. I never found the culprit... if, indeed, there was one. I am inclined to think they were just not laying because it was still winter here. Someone on this thread convinced me it wasn't a snake... because snakes aren't around in cold weather. It was in the 50's at that time. I did put out rat and mice bate... away from the chickens. I am able to drop packets down between the walls and the chickens can't get in there. My egg gathering has increased... I'm getting about a dozen a day, and that's good for me.

Also I read somewhere here (BYC) about feeding chickens cayenne during the winter months. It is said to increase egg laying. I will try that next winter. Light also helps... put I don't have electricity out there.

Hope you find what (who) is stealing your eggs.

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