Something is taking my chickens during the day!


Apr 8, 2015
we have a coop with a covered run so we know it isn't Hawks. But over the last week something has been slipping through our fence and taking our chickens about one a day and only leaving a few feathers behind. Does anyone know what could be doing this? We have a live trap set up now but keep just catching a stray cat! What ever is taking our chickens is only coming during the day and climbing up a 4 ft fence squeezing through a 6in gap (now closed) and leaving the same way with out a trace? Also anyone have any suggestion on electric fence for a chcicken run? I feel it might be our best option to stop this from countinuing!
Are you still losing chickens after closing the gap? Could there be under-fence access going on? Cats love chicken!
I would get a game camera then you would know what's getting your chickens. What kind of wire do you have on your coop and run?

This is our daytime predator.
At first we thought it could be the cat and we did also decide if we trap it again we will relocate him. We have a lot of stray/barn cats in our area and he didnt seem friendly! I just can't imagine a cat grabbing a chicken then jumping 3 feet and carrying it out! But I guess it is possible just seem unlikely to me.
Could a racoon be taking our chickens during the day? We have split rail fence with garden fencing and a cattle panel top with poultry net (now on top.. after we lost 3 chickens to what we thought was a hawk) but we are still losing chickens! We have a fully secured coop we lock them into every night.
we have a coop with a covered run so we know it isn't Hawks. But over the last week something has been slipping through our fence and taking our chickens about one a day and only leaving a few feathers behind. Does anyone know what could be doing this? We have a live trap set up now but keep just catching a stray cat! What ever is taking our chickens is only coming during the day and climbing up a 4 ft fence squeezing through a 6in gap (now closed) and leaving the same way with out a trace? Also anyone have any suggestion on electric fence for a chcicken run? I feel it might be our best option to stop this from countinuing!
No fox, coyote, or bobcat needs to climb over a four foot tall fence. Almost any predator can stand flat footed and jump over it while carrying a chicken in its jaws. Are you sure that your live trap is the correct size for your predator.
I have seen animals of all kinds attack during the day and I've seen coyotes jump my 8 foot fence just to get my flock so I recommend game cameras to find out what it is. One thing I would try (NOTE:MAY BE ILLEGAL IN SOME PLACES I know it's inhumane but sometimes snares are the way to go in desperate times

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