Something is wrong with my chick's leg.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 22, 2014
Animal Farm
For a little while now, I noticed that one of my chicks is limping and when I took a closer look at her, something was going on with her foot. It was like she couldn't spread out her toes.
It looks something like this:

Can I know what it is and how I can cure it?
Thanks very much!!
How old is your bird? You say 'chick' but from what I can see in your picture it's a lot older than what you would term a chick. Is there any possibility he/she may have bumblefoot?
I can't tell what's wrong with the foot from your picture--maybe more details would help. Start her on some vitamins, either in her water, or give her PolyVisol without iron 3 drops by mouth daily in case she has a riboflavin or other vitamin deficiency. A B complex tablet dissolved in her food or water would work too, but I would prefer that she get all of the B's and some D, too. Here is a link to read about vitamins:

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