Something is Wrong!!


In the Brooder
Aug 27, 2015
I have a chick that is technically not even a day old yet. (It's shell was pecked open by another hen before it was ready.) Anyways, it finally came out of the shell completely today. Seemed okay, put it in brooder and all was fine. I screwed up though, and put pine shavings in for bedding. I'm worried it may have swallowed some. It's not eating and had yet to poop. It also keeps spitting up clear liquid with tiny specks of yellow? Keep a falling asleep, only to wake up in a matter of seconds, sticking it's beak up in the air and repeatedly swallowing. I've massaged what I believe to be the crop. It's hard I guess? Very inexperienced in this area. I've never had a problem before. What can I do for It? Suggestions please?? I've removed the pine shavings by the way. Should have known better. Ugh!!
Is that one of those things where there's nothing more I can do but sit back and wait? Such a bummer if it doesn't make it because I finally thought I did everything right for a chick that wasn't ready to hatch.
It was NOT the shavings causing this chick's problems. Likely it was the broken shell letting in air and contaminants before the chick was ready to come out. Get it out of your head that you screwed up with the shavings. That chick wouldn't have been likely to want to eat anything, let along big pieces of wood shavings.

It doesn't bode well for your chick. Try to accept nature screws up sometimes, just as we do.
Definitely not the shavings the chick wasn't ready to hatch surly not ready to eat unlikely that it ate wood I have always used cider shavings for bedding and so has my grandpa never had A problem.
It survived the night and seems better this morning. I see that it has finally pooped and looks as though it's finally getting some rest. Last night the little thing was having a hard time relaxing. It would fall asleep standing up. This morning it's finally laying down like a normal little chick does. Time will tell. Thank you all. :)
Still going. Looking a ton better this afternoon. Haven't had a chance to see if it is eating or drinking yet but definitely doing better. Thanks everyone for your advice. :)
The pine shavings probably caused a blockage. It is better to use newspaper for baby chicks in a brooder.

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