Something weird is happening with my ducks?


8 Years
May 30, 2011
San Clemente
Hello all, not sure if some people remember me but anywho, I have two drakes as pets that I've raised since a few days old. Biggie is a Cayuga and Winston is a Welshie, both will be turning a year old this month.
They're both silly sweethearts that chase me down and are fine with me petting them. But something's different today.

For the past week, their feathers haven't been very water resistent, they're feathers in the rain look like a bird's feathers that were in an oil spill, though the wings aren't that bad.

Also this morning, they ran away from me as fast as they could, attempting to fly. I was surprised. When I approached them, they ran into the neighbor's yard (which is where they sometimes go when I'm not around).

What is going on?!
Could they be molting? Mine usually look like a bedraggled wet mess when they do. Also, since they can't "fly", even though they couldn't really before, they seem to get a little skittish.
Could they be molting? Mine usually look like a bedraggled wet mess when they do. Also, since they can't "fly", even though they couldn't really before, they seem to get a little skittish.
That's what I was thinking because I remembering hearing about stuff like this. I hope if they are molting, that they go back to their usual friendly selves after they're done. I don't think they've ever molted before.
That's what I was thinking because I remembering hearing about stuff like this. I hope if they are molting, that they go back to their usual friendly selves after they're done. I don't think they've ever molted before.
More than likely that is what is going on and actually mine are moody when molting. so that is most likely what your seeing. Now about them running loose and going to neighbors, that sounds like an accident ready to happen with neighborhood dogs and also preds and even cars. Hope they are kept in a very safe secure area most of the time.
More than likely that is what is going on and actually mine are moody when molting. so that is most likely what your seeing. Now about them running loose and going to neighbors, that sounds like an accident ready to happen with neighborhood dogs and also preds and even cars. Hope they are kept in a very safe secure area most of the time.
Oh well basically it's the same area, they're the neighbors behind us, so they don't even come in contact with the streets. The people behind us love the ducks and their yard is safe because they used to have chickens. The ducks pretty much stay near the fence that seperates our yards (part of the fence is raised so they go under it). Also before dusk we lock the ducks up
Hello again, kikidee!

If they are molting, then it might actually be uncomfortable for them to be touched. My runners - even my huggie girls - don't like to be touched when they are molting. Are there more feathers than usual floating around?

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