Something wrong with my hen?


6 Years
Aug 18, 2017
I have a 1.5yr leghorn hen and noticed she was in the coop most of the day in the nesting box. I don't believe she is broody, but there was one egg in the box with her, not sure it is hers. But she was still there this evening. So, I picked her up, she did not fuss which isn't normal. I immediately noticed she felt very warm down low between her legs (lower abdomen) and seems swollen. Her butt is messy today with a yellowish discharge. Her eyes are clear and breathing etc seems fine. I gloved up and check to see if she was egg bound but did not feel anything. I can only say she feels very hot (feverish)and swollen... I put her out in the grass and she walked over to the water can and got a drink. She walks slow and is kind of picking in the grass but is not acting normal in the sense I can walk over and just pick her up. Any idea's of what this could be? Any suggestions other than watching her and maybe isolating her? She has already been in the coop with all the others.....
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You could maybe give her a warm bath. Garlic in her water might help since its anti fungal and anti bacterial. I use it all the time for my chickens.
Hope she gets better

Thank you. How do you put garlic in the water? Do you just use a garlic powder or crush up a fresh garlic? How much? I will try it.....

No change this morning. She is very swollen down low by her legs and bottom. She didn't seem as "hot" however when I touched it but she squirms so I assume it is uncomfortable. The swelling is soft. No egg this morning and I cleaned the shavings out from under her as they were wet but I am not sure that she pooped at all, however it was kind of hard to tell in that she is a mess around her vent and underneath......another good reason for a warm bath. She doesn't seem to care about standing up.....poor girl. I have to leave a couple hours but I will try the bath when I return. Thanks for your help
Give her water with some elctrolytes and vitamins, or a few drops of Poultry NutriDrench. Get her bottom cleaned up in warm soapy water, and look for any signs of maggots or a vent prolapse. Dry her off and take a picture of her lower abdomen below and including her vent.

An enlarged lower belly can be a sign of internal laying and some other reproductive disorder. Ascites or fluid in the belly can also be a possibility.

Note what her droppings are like, if they are yellow or runny, and pictures can help. Put on a disposable glove and insert a finger into her vent 1-2 inches to feel for a stuck egg.
Give her water with some elctrolytes and vitamins, or a few drops of Poultry NutriDrench. Get her bottom cleaned up in warm soapy water, and look for any signs of maggots or a vent prolapse. Dry her off and take a picture of her lower abdomen below and including her vent.

An enlarged lower belly can be a sign of internal laying and some other reproductive disorder. Ascites or fluid in the belly can also be a possibility.

Note what her droppings are like, if they are yellow or runny, and pictures can help. Put on a disposable glove and insert a finger into her vent 1-2 inches to feel for a stuck egg.

Thank you. I gave her a warm bath today and she actually seemed to like it. I didn't think to take pictures because I had to clean up and leave again. However, I will give her another bath tonight and take pictures for you. He droppings are yellowish and runny however, she had green poop on her but this morning before her bath...She is not eating, we've tried to tempt her. I saw her drink yesterday a couple time but haven't noticed today....I will do all these things, I will have to run to tractor supply to see about electrolytes....
Hmmm. My rooster had a similar thing. May have to hand feed her. Takes a lot of effort, but if she won't eat by herself...
We had to open my rooster Pumpkins mouth and feed him like that. We also used a paintbrush for water. Which was very tedious, but kept him alive. We used yoghurt with a few oats, lots of garlic and some Apple cider vinegar. Maybe you could try getting a few small peices of garlic into her beak?
just went up to check on my girl and she has passed away. Thank you everyone for your help … :hitAt least she had a nice relaxing bath under the shade tree she seemed to enjoy before leaving me....I just wish I knew what happened. Paranoid about my other girls now....they all seem fine, but so did she until yesterday.

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