Something's wrong with one of the babies


In the Brooder
Aug 27, 2015
I posted this over in 'Raising Baby Chicks' but I think this might be a better place?

One of my little surprise chicks isn't doing so well. It's holding a leg funny, I'm not sure what could have possibly happened to her, she's been in a mostly empty box with the other chick. She keeps flopping over on her side and sticking one leg out kind of shaking it around. After noticing her acting weird I've been keeping a really close eye on them, the other one's eating and drinking fine. This one will take a nibble or two if I hold some out for her, but that's it. Not drinking at all. She'll take one peck at a spoon full of water, but that's it. Not wanting to sit, she's just standing there with her eyes closed, or hobbling around really strangely, or flopping over like I explained. She's also kind of panting, I don't know what the range of normal is but she's breathing MUCH heavier than the other one.

I don't know what to do!
Start some vitamins and electrolytes in the water. SaveAChick is one brand, and there are others. Dip her beak into the water as often as you can manage to get her to drink. Can you post a picture of her standing tomorrow? She may have a leg injury or a leg deformity such as a slipped tendon. Hopefully she just needs some vitamins.
Honestly, i don't know what is wrong with her leg. If you want to you could feed her yogurt mixed with the regular food out of a syringe. Continue with the water out of a spoon, or you could use a syringe for that as well. Make sure she has enough food and water and watch her closely. I would suggest separating her from the rest of the chicks. She might be panting because it is too hot, so make sure she can get away from the heat lamp at times.

Start some vitamins and electrolytes in the water. SaveAChick is one brand, and there are others. Dip her beak into the water as often as you can manage to get her to drink. Can you post a picture of her standing tomorrow? She may have a leg injury or a leg deformity such as a slipped tendon. Hopefully she just needs some vitamins.
Regular feed store should carry them? Yes, I'll try to get pics tomorrow.

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