Soo many flies

Amy Rakoczy

In the Brooder
Jul 3, 2017
Hello first timer here with chickens this summer. Our coop has a sand flooring which was recommended by "the chicken chick" and though we stift through it to remove feces oh the flies are everywhere. Any recommendations for sand coop cleaning to help with this issue
I'm a first time chicken mama too. I also use sand in my coop which I sift but I use deep litter in my run and don't have a fly problem. I have very few flies but they're not a big problem. If I see poop, I kick some of the litter over it. About once or twice a month (usually once) I rake it and turn it under. The chickens also help turn it under when they scratch for bugs and worms! Do use also sand in your run? I also follow the Chicken Chick, does she recommend anything?
If you have flies, you generally need more bedding. Once a week or so, sprinkle the top with scratch, and the birds will break it up and turn it for you. However, some will depend on your climate and space. It is mostly arid up here, I have a great deal of space in the run, and a fair size coop. I use old hay on top of sand (natural ground here). Dry is best, anyway you can get that is the best.

Mrs K
:frow Hello and :welcome.

I have sand in my coop, covered run and in my egg nests. We have flies in GA this time of the year - but no more in the coop/run than are elsewhere - even a few inn my house almost daily :barnie.

They come after feed and poop - the sand will dry the poop, but you do need to rake it often and sift out the poop periodically.

Your area may have more flies than we do ... consider hanging some of those sticky fly traps? The chickens do have a problem catching the flies or else there wouldn't be an issue :)

You should do an intro under the New Members forum to receive a proper welcoming.

Edited to mention - no poop or sand inside my house:lau
Is just your coop floor sand? What do you have in your run? Or is there no run at all?

Flies are attracted to the smell of fresh poop and moisture. I have sand in both coops and my runs, and I keep the poop scooped up. I have no flies to speak of.

If you're scooping and you still have a fly problem, I recommend you spray the sand with spinosad. This is a biological insect control and it should help.
I use wood shavings with the deep litter method, and yes I have flies in the coop. I find the basic sticky fly strips do the trick. I have 3 or 4 hanging inside the coop at all times and change them out every couple weeks. When I take them down they must have a hundred or more flies on them.
:barnie I pick up my poop every day form the run and inside the coop (but have a thick layer so just grab the big ones I find). I bag them and give to someone for their compost, waste not want not. I gave up my compost pile for chickens ;)
Today there seems to be a HOARD of flies ! :eek: We had some storms come through yesterday and I wonder if that is an issue. Hens are not eating them, they are too fast.
Run is grass and bare spots. Tub with Dirt, Sand, DE that they just pick in not dust baths :mad:. I have 2 fly papers hanging, one over coop (it is only 3.5 feet high) and one just outside the coop. There are dead flies on it but not a ton.

Anyone else have another type of hanging trap that works? I was looking at wasp traps and wonder if that works.
:barnie I pick up my poop every day form the run and inside the coop (but have a thick layer so just grab the big ones I find). I bag them and give to someone for their compost, waste not want not. I gave up my compost pile for chickens ;)
Today there seems to be a HOARD of flies ! :eek: We had some storms come through yesterday and I wonder if that is an issue. Hens are not eating them, they are too fast.
Run is grass and bare spots. Tub with Dirt, Sand, DE that they just pick in not dust baths :mad:. I have 2 fly papers hanging, one over coop (it is only 3.5 feet high) and one just outside the coop. There are dead flies on it but not a ton.

Anyone else have another type of hanging trap that works? I was looking at wasp traps and wonder if that works.

You can make your own or buy similar traps.
fly trap -_e48d991de47394dde8f0fa039c0ab573--wasp-traps-fly-traps.jpg
:barnie I pick up my poop every day form the run and inside the coop (but have a thick layer so just grab the big ones I find). I bag them and give to someone for their compost, waste not want not. I gave up my compost pile for chickens ;)
Today there seems to be a HOARD of flies ! :eek: We had some storms come through yesterday and I wonder if that is an issue. Hens are not eating them, they are too fast.
Run is grass and bare spots. Tub with Dirt, Sand, DE that they just pick in not dust baths :mad:. I have 2 fly papers hanging, one over coop (it is only 3.5 feet high) and one just outside the coop. There are dead flies on it but not a ton.

Anyone else have another type of hanging trap that works? I was looking at wasp traps and wonder if that works.
We also have flies a lot of flies especially at storm times. One thing I've found with the strips, watch the height of the fly while they are flying. Try and hang the strips at that height. It sometimes varies during the day so you may need different heights. Also if it's windy a small fishing weight say one ounce hung with bailing wire will help it stay in place better. Large bolt nuts work as weight as well. Do not rely on the tack that comes with the strip to hold it up. Again a screw and bailing wire to hold it. I've made my own traps from the disposable kind due to cost, and I can put my own fly bait in them. They are very stinky so in town may not work. Put along fence of property works really well.

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