Sooo excited, I am new from Eastern Washington hello all.


Oct 27, 2015
Hello I am new to chicken raising since May when I got my first two baby chicks at a feed store. I then bought 8 9 month old young hens two months ago. I am trying to raise eggs for my 3 families and am doing well so far. I get 9 eggs a day. My chicken coop is on our 150 year old homestead that my husbands great grandma and grandma used way back, We farm and I figure why not a chicken coop to raise some organic eggs. I love it! Lots of work, lots of questions and I am thrilled to have found a fun knowledgeable site such as BYC. My coop is not perfect at all and since I am an amateur I need all the help I can get.
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! It's amazing isnt it how 2 chicks can turn into so many!! No one is immune to the chicken math. Sounds like you are enjoying the whole chicken business and the eggs are great too.

Be sure to ask any questions, everyone here to help and very friendly.

Enjoy BYC and all the chicken chat :frow

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