Sooo... I'm guessing they're not going to hatch?

Thanks for the encouragement everyone! One lovely hatched, another pipped, and nothing from theother 3 eggs yet. I'm hoping they all hatch soon, the first chick has been feeling lonely. I even put in a small toy that she's been cuddled up against most the time.
(Opened bator through window to put it in, humidity is still at 65-70%
I had 13 hatch on day 21 and another 5 took an additional 3 days. only 1 didn't make it. I waited till day 25. then cracked it open. Looked like it stopped developping about day 14 or so.

Good Luck and God Bless!
To tell if they are still alive, you can float them in some cool water in a bowl. If they are alive, they eggs will rock back and forth from the movement of the chicks. If they have died, the eggs will not move.

Just make sure there is no pip.

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