sooo, my 5 year old daughter and her birthday money..


10 Years
Jun 20, 2009
Rigby, Idaho
so, kayla (just turned 5) got her birthday card today from her great grama, when she opened it, and found the 20$ bill, can you guess what she said??

a normal 5 year old would want a doll... crayons, dress up clothes, etc not my kid tho!! the words out of her mouth were

"MOMMY now i can go to the chicken ladys and get my OWN Chickens!!"

haha course who am i to deny a 5 year old what she wants to spend her money on??

so we went.. and we got...


a cute little silkie hen


and a big red cochin hen LOL
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this is the EXACT thing that happened w. us! two yrs ago, my boy wanted chickens for his bday. at that time we had NEVER owned chickens! what a joy they have been since!

btw, beautiful birds!!!!
Oh that is just adorable!!! What a good little girl to want her own chickens...and how thrilled will she be when she gets that first egg!
Cute cute cute!!!

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