SOS! Hen pecked egg open


8 Years
Oct 6, 2015
A coworker gave my husband a couple fertilized eggs yesterday, as we have a broody bantam & he didn’t want them all under his hen. I didn’t realize they were so far along. One hatched yesterday afternoon. The hen rejected it, so it’s under a heat lamp in the brooder cage.

The 2nd egg was chirping this morning. I left it under the hen for a couple hours, then went to check on it again. Someone pecked it open, there is some blood on one end of the egg, the sack was open. I took off one more broken piece of shell so I could see if it was still alive. It’s alive, moving its beak, but not chirping. I moved it into the brooder cage under the heat lamp with the other, but I worry it will dry out before the chick is ready, if it even survives.

What do I do? 😕


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In addition to keeping it wrapped in a moist paper towel, make sure it stays attached to the egg shell as much as possible. I would place the chick inside a small cup or something similiar that will hold it upright, and won't allow it to prematurely kick free of its yolk. If it shrink wraps, you can deal with that issue when the time comes, but right now the priority is that it doesn't lose any more blood, and the absorbing yolk remains protected by the egg shell. Good luck with the chick.

If this chick doesnt make it, I would ask the coworker for another chick, or purchase one/some at a feedstore so the other chick isn't alone.

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