SOS Polish almost pecked to death, is there any way to prevent this?

Yep still trying to figure out what to do with them permanently. There is no way they are going to make it in the big bird coop.
They are doing great in the cages outside, but it is going to start getting cold.
I am thinking of just making a small coop for the three of them and letting them free range forever.
I am going to try to lock them in the cage for a day so they know it is home and then let them out (Yes I will give feed and water)
It will be a small dog-type coop probably not even a nest box. Just stuff it with straw and give it a door. Then they can come and go as they please.
What do you think?
Wow, this is all news to me. I have two Polish mixed in with heavier birds and have never had any problems. Knock on wood, I guess! They do peck at them every once in a while as part of maintaining the pecking order, but nothing injurious.
Anything is really worth a try. Personally, my Silkies have always been like poodles. They look pretty, but they can be quite nasty. My Silkie hen steals food from EVERYONE and my rooster attacked people. Others will disagree though and that's just fine. I suppose it depends on the bird individually. When putting birds together, it's trail and error. Sometimes things work out, other times, not so much. Bantams will pick large fowl Polish less if they have a hard time reaching them. For the sake of saying so, my WCB hen outranked both of my Silkies.

Rustywoman, that sounds like a great idea. I'd just watch out when they free-range though. After about 2 weeks of no or little contact, they'll basically forget they eer knew eachother. If the two groups meet at any time without a fence between them, even just for a second (a second is all it takes) they'll have a harder time recognizing each other and crest pecking will be the least of your problems.

Sonew123, don't separate anyone until there is a problem. I've dealt with approx 10 crested birds and none have every fallen victim to pecking.
My dominant polish roo does have a bald spot that never grows in because someone keeps plucking it - I've never seen it happen. I put some Vaseline on and tied it up in a ponytail. How does it look?

All the RIR's that tried to peck the Polish to death are going to be dinner when the weather cools off.
So that will just leave all the little guys that I have hatched out this summer and the polish should be bigger or as big as them.

And the little ones never got see the polish get pecked. They were too little to get out in the run. So I am hoping that if they ever meet there will be no trouble.

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