Soul Animals!~Restarted!~Please Join!!~

Dawn stood with Kali on the roof of the shop, looking out over the world. Dawn sighed as she heard her mother calling her to come in and help her restock. The pair moved to the stairs, moving gracefully down them and to the ground before going inside the store.
Wintent stood in a field with Tainted. They where practicing fighting moves. Wintent focused on her sword but stared at Tainted. She saw the stallion leap forward but in reality he stood there. She jumped to the side right as he lunged for her. She saw him turn on his back feet and strike out at her before he even tensed a muscle to move. She ducked down and rolled right as he raised on his back feet. She didn't bother looking at his next move as he was on his back feet she slid under him and acted as if she stabbed him, smirking. I win She told him and rolled out from under him right before he landed.
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Sarah strolled down a pathway in a forest, her fake leg making odd clink, clunk, clonk noises. She smiled, as a soft breeze smelling of pine and moss made her short, blond hair dance.
a few soft notes of a melody by her ear and warmth on her shoulder alerted her of Kveykva's presence. She smiled, and whistled a few notes back. hey, kveykva. she thought to her. Kveykva cocked her head and whistled. She could feel thoughts and emotions being shared between their mental connection. Shimmering golds came from Kveykva's side. hello, Sarah.
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(Thing wouldnt let me qoute it...)

Mika hissed quietly as they came closer,'

Darrien looked at the little pond. "So.. What do we do now?" Yoru asked. "We go back to the base and see how queenie is doing." Darrien smiled and walked off into the forest. Yoru followed.

Linda sat in the base next to the queens cell. Her dove, Chyrs, Sat on her shoulder. "So queenie. Whose going to save you?" She asked mock concern in her voice.
(Polish.. Please reply.)
( Oh sorry. Then it was Cobalt and Goose who walked up to Wintent )
(You mean Kodiak?)

(Also.. New character for me..)

Name: Serena
Gender: F
Age: 15
Appearence: Long black hair odd purple eyes. Her left eye is a milky purple color and she has a long scar that runs over it making her blind
Soul Animal: A Wolf named Kuru
Rank: Soldier for darrien
Crush: Darrien
Boy/girl friend: Darrien (Gonna edit Darrien's form..)

History: She use to be ina loving family. Her sister was lucy and she had many friends. When she learned she was adopted she became a shell of her formal self. She always hid in her room. Never talked rarely ate. When she heard of darrien's plan she sided with him. After a short battle she became blind in her left eye.
Personality: Cold quiet Mysterious
Magic Item (And what it does) : A dagger (Or knife) That she holds in her left hand. It guides her and makes her good in battle

Other: She hangs out in the city alot. Faking to be a guard for Sylvia
Username: ChicknRadio

Darrien stormed into the base. The door slamming behind him. "Linda!" He called.

Linda looked up but ignored Darrien knowing he was in a bad mood.


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