Soul Animals!~Restarted!~Please Join!!~

Kali watched as Dawn stocked the shelves, occasionally reaching over to sniff the merchandise. Dawn looked around when she finished stocking and headed or the front of Lowells and out the door with Kali on her heels. She grinned and set off running with Kali.
(Thing wouldnt let me qoute it...)

Mika hissed quietly as they came closer,'

Darrien looked at the little pond. "So.. What do we do now?" Yoru asked. "We go back to the base and see how queenie is doing." Darrien smiled and walked off into the forest. Yoru followed.

Linda sat in the base next to the queens cell. Her dove, Chyrs, Sat on her shoulder. "So queenie. Whose going to save you?" She asked mock concern in her voice.
(Here polish)
" Welcome, whats your name. I'm Kodiak but you can call me Kody if you want". Goose is coyote walked up to Wintents soul animal horse.

"I'm Wintent," Wintent said. "Nice to make your aquantince." Tainted flared his nostrils lowering his head to look at Goose.

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