Soul Animals!~Restarted!~Please Join!!~

Quote: Sarah looked up. It seemed to be getting later, and she still had a ways to go to get back home. She stood gracefully. "Come on, Kk. Let's go home." She said, addressing the phoenix.
The sun crept across the sky slowly as she walked back home, The clouds gradually turning pink.
Sarah couldn't be sure how long she had been out, but she knew it had been a few hours at least. She turned off the trail, her feet automatically following a path she knew well. She stopped in front of a huge oak tree, sighing and putting her hands on her hips. She started climbing a rope ladder, grunting with the effort. "Tell me, Kveykva. What was I thinking when I decided to put a rope ladder in instead of stairs?" She huffed. Kveykva nudged her cheek softly with the top of her warm, feathery head before climbing nimbly up the ladder herself.
Sarah swung her mechanical leg over the top branch, now high above the forest floor. "Finally. Made it." She said. She turned, stood, and entered her tree house. It was pretty, though small. It was mostly concealed by the thick oak branches.
Sarah closed the door to her tree house behind her as she walked in. It was small for a house, but large as tree houses go. It had a kitchen/living room, with a teakwood table and two chairs. The table was mostly filled up with random papers and things. The tree house also had a small bedroom, with her bed, Kveykva's perch, and her wardrobe. The kitchen had stairs up onto the roof, where she liked to sit and eat her breakfast in the mornings. Overall, it wasn't huge, but it was nice. She had built it herself. Kveykva glided to the table, her talons making little click click noises as she walked across it's surface. Sarah sat on the edge of the table, next to Kveykva. She stroked her bird's cheek absent-mindedly as she shuffled through the papers and things on the table.
Sarah shifted onto one of the chairs, her false leg making mechanical noises as she moved. She buried her nose in a book she had been reading. The main character, a hero, was in the middle of an epic battle with a villain. She was just getting to the good part when Kveykva dropped something in her book. it was a pocket watch. Sarah flinched. it was later than she had thought. Sarah. Kveykva thought to her, chidingly. Put down the book. it's late. Let's go to bed. You have training in the morning.
"But Kveykva! They're both trapped in the evil wizards castle, and he's just now revealing his plan! Just a few more chapters..." She said, returning her gaze to the book. Kveykva rolled her eyes as best as she could, being a bird, and flew off into Sarah's bedroom. She regarded her bird perch for a moment, then smirked and sat on Sarah's pillow instead. She tucked her softly gleaming red head under her fiery wing, and drifted off to sleep.
Sarah's eyelids drooped as her eyes scanned over another page of her book. She wanted to keep reading, but she knew Kveykva was right. She did need to go to sleep. But, she was so close to the end of the chapter...
She slumped over in her chair, snoring softly into the pages of the book on the table.
A slight wind blew past Sarah's ear, making her hair dance slightly. A slight flutter of shadows. A slight swish of fabric. Sarah slept on, oblivious, as a dark shadow rose behind her. The shadow held a knife above it's head, then paused, seeming to rethink what it-or rather, she-was doing. A eerie smile crept across her face. yes. Why make it fast when she could enjoy it?

A cold night breeze blew through the open window, causing Sarah to shiver. Her eyelashes flickered as she blinked away her short sleep. She whirled around in her chair, her hair swishing around her face. The shadow, who had been standing behind her, now held a hand over her mouth and a knife at her neck. Sarah's eyes widened with shock, then narrowed with anger. Zanna. she thought, unable to speak with Zannah's hand over her mouth. "Hello there." Zanna said, in a calm, conversational tone of voice. "Remember me?"
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Wintent was sleeping on her bed in the barracks peacefully. Her sword in its scabbard next to her just in reach if needed. Tainted slept peacefully just outside of the barracks in the lush grass since he couldnt fit inside.
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(the next bit is a little gore-ey, I hope you guys don't mind. Just a quick warning.)

"Because I remember you! I took your hope, your leg, everything I could! And you and your STUPID bird always made it through! I'm done playing. It's over, wannabe-warrior." Zanna's voice rose throughout her speech, until she was almost yelling. "Don't even think about calling for your bird now. It's way too late." She said. She looked pointedly over her shoulder at Sarah's bedroom door. She then turned back to Sarah, who looked surprisingly calm. It only served to make Zanna angrier. She pulled up Sarah, so that she was standing, then shoved her roughly onto the table. She rolled her over onto her front, then again raised her knife high. She held it there, quaking a bit with each of her heart's beats. She clenched her hand around Sarah's mouth tighter, then said, in a cold, chilling voice, "This might pinch a little. try not to scream."

She plunged her knife into Sarah's back. Sarah's eyes widened with terror, and she screamed behind Zanna's hand. Zanna muffled it, still hacking into her back. Her eyes had a mad, rabid look about them. Tears streamed from Sarah's eyes as Zanna mutilated her back.

(I gotta go now, but I'm not done! Sarah isn't going to die, either. I has plans.)
(the next bit is a little gore-ey, I hope you guys don't mind. Just a quick warning.)

"Because I remember you! I took your hope, your leg, everything I could! And you and your STUPID bird always made it through! I'm done playing. It's over, wannabe-warrior." Zanna's voice rose throughout her speech, until she was almost yelling. "Don't even think about calling for your bird now. It's way too late." She said. She looked pointedly over her shoulder at Sarah's bedroom door. She then turned back to Sarah, who looked surprisingly calm. It only served to make Zanna angrier. She pulled up Sarah, so that she was standing, then shoved her roughly onto the table. She rolled her over onto her front, then again raised her knife high. She held it there, quaking a bit with each of her heart's beats. She clenched her hand around Sarah's mouth tighter, then said, in a cold, chilling voice, "This might pinch a little. try not to scream."

She plunged her knife into Sarah's back. Sarah's eyes widened with terror, and she screamed behind Zanna's hand. Zanna muffled it, still hacking into her back. Her eyes had a mad, rabid look about them. Tears streamed from Sarah's eyes as Zanna mutilated her back.

(I gotta go now, but I'm not done! Sarah isn't going to die, either. I has plans.)

(Poor Sarah!)

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