Sounds that you love.

Howling coyotes
Hooting owls
Spring Peepers
Horses munching hay/bedded down for the night
My Emma's 'Woo-wooooo' when we are going someplace together
Wood Thrush song
Train whistle in the distance.

Spring peepers.

Wood thrush---what a beautiful melodious song! I love to hear it on summer evenings.

Carolina wren outside my bedroom window, alternately calling things that sound like, "City bird! City bird", "Bird City! Bird City! Bird City!", "Teacher, teacher, teacher!".

Phoebes--they nest above my bsmt door every year. Their call tells me it's almost time for the babies.
My rooster crowing
my chickens cooing
my cat meowing
my dog yawning( ne makes a cute noise)
frogs singing
rain and thunder
wind at my window
That gave me chills. How incredibly beautiful...

How totally totally stunningly beautiful... how I wish everyone could feel like that..... Amen to you!.... and so glad I am honoured to feel like athat about my DH 27 years this years... but his snoring..... OUCH!
Cats purring..(it relaxes me )
Ducks quacking

baby geese sounds
My pigs grunting at me

My hens soft clucking noises
I even like my rooster crow sometimes..

rain outside..when i'm all warm and snuggly inside
wild birds chittering and songs
baby giggles

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