Sour Crop CURED with Monistat

I used the monistat 3 day suppositories when I had an EE with the sour crop. (She was under 18 weeks of age and small.) Kinda funny, she was not all that interested in eating other stuff, but for some reason, she really scarfed down the 1/4 bit of suppository I would hold out to her. I did not mix it with anything. I divided up the suppository into 4s and gave her 1/4th morning and 1/4th night for about 4 days. I think the suppository was 200 grams of the anti-fungal. Therefore, she was getting roughly 50 grams, twice a day.
Try holding the suppository in your fingers and offering it to her. See if she will eat it directly from your hand. I hope it works for you!!!
I have been giving my girl the monistat. She still has a large squishy lump. I started with the 7 day treatment and then bought the 3 day. Today was the first of the 3 day. I have been blending the Monistat but it looks like you just popped it down her throat. Is that how you did it? I am loosing a lot of medicine because I am trying to blend it so it will fit through an eye dropper. I have to force her throat open. Do I just pop it in?

Thanking you in advance,

Sounds like an impaction that will need to be removed; sour crop can go along with that. There is an excellent "tutorial" with photos on Backyard chickens on crop surgery. I believe they posted it under "emergencies"--try a search for "impacted crop" or "crop surgery"
Hi there. I hope you don't mind if I add to the research on here.
Just found one of our shavers sluggish and depressed looking this morning, didn't improve by lunch, so I brought her down to the house to warm her up (it's early fall here) and found she has a huge water balloon like crop. It took her until late afternoon to pass anything, which relieved me a bit because I figure things are getting through the bottom half confirming the top half of digestion seemingly has the issue. I also occasionally smell a gassy smell from her beak.
Reading in depth everything everyone has said on here, so went out and picked up Canesten (Clotromizole 100mg/ pessary) and have started giving the 1/3 pessary treatment 2x a day.
We treated her for the first time (my husband held the chicken in a towel) this afternoon at around 4pm, feeding 3 smaller pieces of the 1/3, putting them towards the back of her beak so she couldn't spit it out and following each piece with a little greek natural yoghurt (no sugar, as yeast loves to grow on sugar) to help her swallow it down. She seemed to perk up a bit around 8pm, and has passed alot more poo, and then drank alot of Apple Cider Vinegar (5mls/ 1Litre) water, which I have taken away overnight to be sure she'll pass all the water through.

I will update again soon.
This morning Goldie is looking alot more perky and has managed to pass alot of droppings over night. The crop has reduced in size significantly with just 1/3 of a canesten (clotromizole) pessary with natural greek yoghurt. We've treated her again this am, she's passed more droppings. Two interesting looking mystery "beans" passed through - one looked like a cashew the other half a peanut, upon examination more like partially digested protein, very soft and easily pulled apart. Took a picture.

Now at lunch we've cooked her scrambled eggs and she's very happily eating that. Crop is alot smaller. Providing diluted Apple cider vinegar water.
Ok my 1-2 week silkies little chest is bulgeing and she is doing a snake weaveing of the head. I don't think I want to make her throw up. So i'm guessing I will try this. Has anyone tried this one a chick this young? I cant afford a vet to fix this and I wont cut open a chick to do any surgery.
Wow! That is young! Has she had anything other than chick feed and water??? Is she eating the fluff you have in the brooder? Maybe start by trying to massage the mass to see if it is hard or squishy and move it around. Don't try to make her vomit. Have you offered the little ones grit?
Anyone else want to chime in?
Ok my 1-2 week silkies little chest is bulgeing and she is doing a snake weaveing of the head. I don't think I want to make her throw up. So i'm guessing I will try this. Has anyone tried this one a chick this young? I cant afford a vet to fix this and I wont cut open a chick to do any surgery.
I've been drinking some so I didn't do much to her. I did try to move it around some and it seemed soft she was chirping some due to being held and not able to move around a lot, so I didn't press to hard. I haven't done grit I just got the chicks from ts on Friday and the two silkies was marked down already so 1-2 weeks old. Both of them scrape/scratch/peck the pine shaveings I went with the bigger pine shavings. I did put in a packet of probiotic by save a chick today. but I noticed it yesterday alittle bit. I'm totally new to chickens so I worry about everything but this just don't seem right at all. I was thinking of the viniger/yogart/ meds tomorrow i'll have to look more up on what to actually give her. she lays closest to heat lamp even being one of oldest in my box so i'm real worried cause it even seems her chest/crop is bulged on right side of her chest more than anything. She also seems to let one wing slip away from her when sleeping where all other chicks keep them tucked close.
We've done the third treatment for Goldie. She's passed most all of the fluid through her and still is passing a fair amount of solid matter. Her crop is now firmer, so I've added olive oil to the yoghurt and continuing the Canesten to kill the yeast infection. Goldie is alot more perkier, and talking quietly now, which she wasn't doing the first day of treatment.
We are feeding scrambled eggs and AC vinegar water. She loves the scrambled eggs. Hope we're on the right track.

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