Sour Crop CURED with Monistat

I am no expert, however, it seemed when I treated mine, she started showing some improvement after about 24 hours and 3 doses. Am I understanding correctly that you have just given your Brahma the first dose of monistat? I fed my doses once in the morning and once in the evening for 4 days. Use your best judgement on whether or not to go ahead and take her in!!!
How long does it typically take? I'm wondering if I should take her to the vet at this point. She is just standing here with her eyes closed.
I am no expert, however, it seemed when I treated mine, she started showing some improvement after about 24 hours and 3 doses. Am I understanding correctly that you have just given your Brahma the first dose of monistat? I fed my doses once in the morning and once in the evening for 4 days. Use your best judgement on whether or not to go ahead and take her in!!!

Yes, she has only had one dose. I will wait until tomorrow and if there is no improvement I will bring her in. She loved the egg and olive oil treat and hasn't thrown it up which is an improvement. After her morning crop massage she pooped a little. She is walking around just a little bit more now. Poor thing was so hungry, she was weak.

I never expected to love my chickens this much!
I used Canesten (clotrimazole 100mg)

it took overnight with 1/3 of the pessary to work. (we also gave her unsweetened greek youghurt and apple cider vinegar water then next day) When we gave her the first portion I honestly thought she would drown overnight, that's how huge her crop was with water. I was really worried.

The next morning, she had passed just about all of the water and it dried out over the next 2 days, when I started giving the medication with olive oil. Then everything passed through by the fourth day and I stopped the meds as she went back to being completely normal after 9 pieces of the pessaries.

We didn't give solid food for 3 days only soft scrambled eggs to give her nutrition but help her crop clean out. Last day we mixed scrambled eggs with wet pellets, then just gave her wet pellets.

Goldie was very sleepy looking to begin with too. After she passed the water content we also put her outside during the day even though she wasn't very active at first, we did this because even a bit of movement helps the crop grind up what's inside and pass it through. I even saw her find a few tiny stones (insoluble grit). She mostly sat down and had the odd dust bath, but I read that counts too!

Just an update that Goldie is running around like her normal self with the other chicken buddies and a week after putting her back out no relapse of infection.

Good luck with your little Chickie!
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Day 1 Notes:

This morning she wouldn't even come off the roosting bar. I brought her in the house and started to try and force the 1/3 suppository into her mouth. She surprised the heck out of me by eating it on her own. So I gave her another 1/3. I figure if a 1/3 is good, 2/3 is better. Especially for first dose. I used anti-biotics reasoning here. You know how on day 1 you knock the crap out of the germs?

Then I gave her an egg cooked in lots of olive oil. She gobbled it up. Then she slept for most of the day on my lap. I gave her a crop massage and she had 2 messy poops. Not on me thankfully :)

She voluntarily drank water with apple cider vinegar and did fine.

At about 2:00 I gave her some feed soaked in water. She threw it up just about immediately and had a big watery and chunky poop. So I let her sleep on my lap for the rest of the day as I worked (I have the best boss ever).

Just now I gave her the last 1/3 of the suppository. She ate the whole thing. I made her another egg with olive oil and she ate all of that. Then she went to drink water and it poured back out of her mouth. But the eggs and suppository stayed down. She's had lots of watery/chunky poops today.

And now she's back on my lap having a nap. She's been very very clingy.

I have to work tomorrow in the office but will get her in the house for her suppository (day 2 I will just give her thirds) and eggs first then bring her back out with the rest of the flock and hope she stays away from their feed...this isn't catchy, is it?

But so far, I am feeling a lot less like I'm going to lose her at any second. This forum seriously rocks!
The info I read said to give olive oil also the live culture yogurt . Maybe it's the vegatable oil in the monostat that helped
Her crop is hard as a rock today and she's not eating. I can't get the medicine into her but she is super active.

So, this is waking up and her crop is still a hard mass? If that is the case, it sound more like an impaction. In a healthy chicken, their crop is going to feel hard at night when they go to roost. In the morning, that hard lump should be gone. On sour crop, their crop is going to be smooshy (my word!), balloony feeling. (Spell check does not like my adjectives!!! lol!) If the crop is hard in the morning, try massaging and do the treatments for impacted crop which does include getting olive oil down them!
Why do you think olive oil and not just any vegatable oil

Oh, any would probably be ok. The choice would be up to you.
I tend to use olive oil or canola oil...

BTW, Mrcockerel, how is your chicken doing? Any improvement? I noticed on another thread you had posted about liquid coming up. Yes, that is sour crop. I have seen that happen in mine when they bend themselves forward to peck on the ground and clear liquid gushes out! Most of them get through it on their own with just cutting out so much treats and stuff. But the ones who become very inactive are the ones who need the intervention IMO.
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