Sour Crop CURED with Monistat

She's at the vet in grave condition. Her crop is completely blocked, she's lost a ton of weight, her heart rate is 420 and she's severely dehydrated. They are doing a "preservation therapy" on her right now to make her strong enough to surgically unblock her crop. :*{
She was better this morning I won't stop worrying till I get home this afternoon an she is still alright. I think I'll take home some yogurt just in case. I might start giving them some ever so often as a preventative .
She's at the vet in grave condition. Her crop is completely blocked, she's lost a ton of weight, her heart rate is 420 and she's severely dehydrated. They are doing a "preservation therapy" on her right now to make her strong enough to surgically unblock her crop. :*{

Hoping for the best for you!

She was better this morning I won't stop worrying till I get home this afternoon an she is still alright. I think I'll take home some yogurt just in case. I might start giving them some ever so often as a preventative .
I am so glad to have found this thread! I am new to chickens and have 8 chicks that are 6 weeks old today. One of them has exactly what is described here ("water balloon" appearance of chest) and I was about to post a pic of her and shout for help! I will try the Monistat suppositories, although I'm thinking I'll have to cut them into smaller pieces for seems she'd need a smaller dose of the meds anyway, due to her only being about 1/3 of her adult size right now. Also, how do you get them to eat the "pill?" Do you have to stick it down their throat with your finger like giving a pill to a dog or cat?
I hope this works for her! At the moment, it seems to have just started and she doesn't feel bad yet...she's eating, drinking and pooping normally and otherwise acting alert and happy.


p.s. here's the pic of her anyway!
Does it actually FEEL squishy? I have one chicken who is a mega-forager and she looks like your girl, but it is the proper kind of hardness for the crop. She is also the one who lays JUMBO eggs for me! So, make sure it FEELS balloony, squishy! If so, then try the monistat. I had an EE who was slightly older and I gave her 1/4 of the suppository. (Which is roughly 50 mg of the anti-fungal.) She ate it on her own. I gave it to her 2x a day (morning and night). Wish you the best!!!
I am so glad to have found this thread! I am new to chickens and have 8 chicks that are 6 weeks old today. One of them has exactly what is described here ("water balloon" appearance of chest) and I was about to post a pic of her and shout for help! I will try the Monistat suppositories, although I'm thinking I'll have to cut them into smaller pieces for seems she'd need a smaller dose of the meds anyway, due to her only being about 1/3 of her adult size right now. Also, how do you get them to eat the "pill?" Do you have to stick it down their throat with your finger like giving a pill to a dog or cat?
I hope this works for her! At the moment, it seems to have just started and she doesn't feel bad yet...she's eating, drinking and pooping normally and otherwise acting alert and happy.


p.s. here's the pic of her anyway!
Very glad to find this thread. My six-year-old chicken, Penny, was looking off for a day or so. When i picked her up, her crop was huge and very squishy. i've never experienced sour crop. But the description here really fit. i gently massaged it and it seemed to go down a bit. i rushed out yesterday morning and got the monistat three-day pack (generic at Walmart less than $5). Cut one pill into three. Then took one piece and cut it in half. i was able to simply open her mouth and set it inside, and she swallowed it right down. i took her regular food away and gave her yogurt and mashed hard boiled eggs - also put pro-biotics in her water. She stayed in her hutch all day yesterday and didn't want to come out. Another third of a pill and crop massage in the evening.

This morning she is looking a lot better. The crop has gone down a bit. Still feeding the yogurt and eggs. i will continue treating until the pills are gone. But i feel very hopeful that this treatment is going to work. Thanks so much for the information. i hope everyone else's chickens are doing okay.
I just want to say... THANK YOU! I am going to try this tonight. I wish I'd seen this two days ago!!!!

Edit: 1 dose - dose given approximately 6pm night before. Woke up the following morning and her crop was no longer huge. She had vomited a lot in the morning before I woke and the smell was HORRIBLE. Gave her second dose and she walked over to her water bowl and took a drink (water has electrolytes and probiotics - her first drink since this began), save a chick brand. Starting her on activia and mush today, will take the medicated water away when I get home. - Her crop is not completely empty yet but a huge improvement.
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Yay, I'm so glad to read that it's working, yay for the starter of this thread! We lost one lovely chicken early on to complications from soured crop before we knew about this and it made us very upset, but it's a relief to know that there is a way to treat this particular problem. The chicken we treated, Goldie, is still healthy and recovered as ever, just moulted and has her new feathers. good to hear about your chicken. x

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