Sour Crop CURED with Monistat

Late coming back to this post (still getting the hang of this forum and didn't even know someone had responded to me!)...
Anyway, the monistat totally did the trick for my girl! She was good as gold in about 2 days! And yes, Sunflowergirl, her crop felt like a water balloon.
I am very glad to have found this resource!
Anyway, the monistat totally did the trick for my girl! She was good as gold in about 2 days!
YAY!!! Glad she is better!
Add me to the "trying Monistat" bandwagon. This is my first flock of chickens, but I've had them for two years and they've been perfectly healthy until Comet started acting funny a few days ago. From all I've read, I believe her to have sour crop. I have her in the house and just force fed her the first piece of Monistat 3 suppository. I hope it works because she hasn't been eating or drinking, and has been in hiding from the other chickens for about 5 days, I don't know how much longer she'll survive if I this doesn't work.
Hoping it works!!!
Add me to the "trying Monistat" bandwagon. This is my first flock of chickens, but I've had them for two years and they've been perfectly healthy until Comet started acting funny a few days ago. From all I've read, I believe her to have sour crop. I have her in the house and just force fed her the first piece of Monistat 3 suppository. I hope it works because she hasn't been eating or drinking, and has been in hiding from the other chickens for about 5 days, I don't know how much longer she'll survive if I this doesn't work.
I am so glad to have found this thread! I am new to chickens and have 8 chicks that are 6 weeks old today. One of them has exactly what is described here ("water balloon" appearance of chest) and I was about to post a pic of her and shout for help! I will try the Monistat suppositories, although I'm thinking I'll have to cut them into smaller pieces for seems she'd need a smaller dose of the meds anyway, due to her only being about 1/3 of her adult size right now. Also, how do you get them to eat the "pill?" Do you have to stick it down their throat with your finger like giving a pill to a dog or cat?
I hope this works for her! At the moment, it seems to have just started and she doesn't feel bad yet...she's eating, drinking and pooping normally and otherwise acting alert and happy.


p.s. here's the pic of her anyway!

That's exactly what my bird looks is a question I pulled her out of the normal coop and put her in a box that was used for baby chicks (plenty of room for her) and after a day and a half the crop went down to normal size with me massaging her for a bit at night and the morning, then I gave her some food mixed in with yogurt last night and it is back to water balloon today so on the way home from work I guess I should grab some monistat....question is did anyone elses crop go down like my girls did? is this still a recommended treatment? thanks!
also she has had this for about 3 days what are the chances it will reoccur and should I worry about her crop getting so stretched out it wont return to normal? she looks exactly like the picture I quoted (twins really)
Update: Seems to be working! The crop emptied and felt great this morning so I gave her a little treat of regular food (monistat mixed in of course, she gobbled it right up) she will get her yogurt mixed with just alittle food later this afternoon...I have one more monistat 3 pill that I will divide into thirds to give her and I think its time to release back into the flock...what do you guys think that should heal her right? anyone have repeat visits of this that they cured? any thoughts! thanks!
By the way she did have several VERY hard dry poops two days ago, and then some wicked bad brown goo yesterday, and now this morning its back to regular old poop that looks normal.
Glad she is doing better! Are you sure the brown goo isn't just the ceacal poo??? It can be kinda nasty, gooey and stinky. It is possible for sour crop to happen again. Just watch them.

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