Sour Crop CURED with Monistat

Glad I stumbled on this! My hen has a large water balloon crop and I can't get her to eat hardly anything (but luckily she will drink). After morning vomits and filling her with kefir and ACV water there has been no improvements. As a big man heading to the drugstore this morning to buy some Monistat, I'm sure I will get a couple funny looks!
LOL. Well, even as a female I bought two boxes because I wanted to have some on hand in case this happens again. I'm sure I looked weird buying more than one!
Ok here is the story my silkie's crop has never felt fully empty since the day I got her, I figured it was just her eating a lot every time I felt it. I didn't think to consider sour crop. We had an accident with her, long story short she escaped before bed time we didn't realize it and she spent the night in the yard by herself. I found her curled in a ball and she's been like that for six days now. At first I thought shock, but I've been feeling her crop and noticing it really does not empty like it should and it's very mushy. Could stress have made her more susceptible to the symptoms of a sour crop? I've started her on monistat I've been force feeding her for 5 days now but maybe this will help her. Thoughts anyone?
Thank you for the share. I will remember this. Had a hen with vent gleet she is now cured but what an ordeal!
I am trying this right now. My hen all of the sudden started acting strange yesterday. Isolated herself, stayed in the coop then later underneath the deck. She did have a full crop and I prepared for crop surgery just in case but this afternoon it was more like a water balloon and I could feel just the pebbles in there. I helped her vomit but I couldn't hold her down long enough to fully drain because her breathing very rapid. I gave her a bath and trimmed all the poop off her feathers. I noticed the skin around the crop area is blue. Her comb is turning black :(
I followed it with some yogurt and vitamin with electrolytes. Her breathing slowed down for a little but it's rapid again. Do I need her to vomit all of it up? I gave her 1/4 of it because she's a leghorn.

nevermind... I found my answer. I'm just going to let it pass through her system. it would be a good idea in case she's got yeast infection further into her system. She's been sleeping and I've been giving her a little bit of water every hour with a syringe. She seems to keep it down. I'm just giving her a little bit at a time so she can rest.
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I cut the suppository and mixed the monistat with a little pediasure and yogurt, then warmed it in a water bath before putting it in a dose delivery syringe.

Is there a recommendation as to which is better - the cream or the suppository? I went with the suppository because I would have no clue as to how much of the cream to give. I asked the pharmacist what the suppository was - a gel or a liquid - he asked why and when I told him I was giving it to my chicken, I thought he was going to die. I just want to do what is best for my girl.
My sweet little Blanka won't eat or drink -- how do you feed the scrambled eggs? I've been giving her yogurt mixed with pediasure but I'm sure this can 't be enough. She hasn't eaten in about 3 days now with the exception of the yogurt mix I am force feeding her. I just want her to get better. I too never imagined I would fall so far in love with my chicken girls!
My sweet little leghorn (pictured in my avatar currently) ended up passing away. I had no idea how bad off she was, she kept her illness hidden well and by the time she was showing signs it was too late. I stored the rest of the suppositories for future use, hopefully I won't have to use it again, but just in case...
I just wanted to say how sorry I am that you lost one of your girls. I ended up euthanising one of ours (our first loss) after a two week try for impacted then sour crop. Its heart breaking and we still have not recovered. Our vet was almost no help at all.
I have found that vets are not doing poultry, so the information I get on the internet (and especially this website) is invaluable.

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