Sour Crop CURED with Monistat

Thank you for the alert for Monistat. I think my one remaining hen is beginning sour crop and I'm going to try your cure. Pat
The anti fungal treatments DO work and thank you for the great advice. But you will have to vomit your chicken (or take her to a vet if you can't)- very carefully.

Unknown to me, my chicken had gotten a hold of a snake houseplant and ate half of it, when she had a "chicken sitter" watching her...anyway, didn't take long for her to weaken and the other chickens began picking on her. If I hadn't been vomited, she would have died-there were huge fibrous strands that would have never come out any other way, I had to pull them out with my hands quickly, so she could catch her breath. Boy did she seem happy that was gone. Very weak, but up for eating yogurt. I recognized the plant when I pulled it out of her mouth, and then noticed half of the plant was gone.

I had taken her to the vet for general weakness before I knew about the plant eating, who put her on antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory. She seemed to be getting better, then came sour crop- and the whole "treatment"...Lotrimin, 3 1/2 tsp per day, mixed in plain yogurt or watered down mash and now she is running around playing, eating and pooping normal. I'll probably keep her on it until the crop goes down completely, its only a bit swollen and getting better each day.
What an interesting thread.....I search a bit further and found the sour crop is often a part of an impacted crop......
which jives with several peoples experience of having to treat impacted crop after the sour part was cleared.

The fungal issues can come from the crop not functioning properly.

Here's a good write up, by a vet, about crop problems...good to understand it all and not just the monistat part.
I need help please! I'm sorry if I ask questions that I'm sure have already been answered somewhere in this thread, but I don't think I have time to read it all. I treated my hen for sour crop earlier this week with probiotics in her water and electolytes. She perked up and her crop went down so I stupidly thought she was "cured" and quit paying too much attention. She still seemed a little lethargic but I thought that was normal. Well today I came home from work to find her puffed up like a football and not standing up.she's not making any sounds at all. i'm afraid she is barely alive. I have been giving her water with probiotics through a dropper and she's barely fighting me. I've seen about the suppositories and cream and its of course worth a try although i'm afraid its too late. :( my question is: if she is so bad already, how do I get this stuff in her? i'm scared she'll choke. please help me! Thank you.
And unfortunately I am not equipped to tube feed I don't think unless I can buy something from a store tonight. this is my first go round with a serious health issue. It is awful.
You can get aquarium tubing or refrigerator water line, those will work. A pet store or pharmacy might have syringes. Grab another chicken and compare the temps of their leg.
I just don't know how much to try. I am willing to do anything to save her, but if its too late I don't want to make her even more miserable. She is almost unresponsive. I feel so bad. I just don't know when enough is enough.

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