Sour Crop CURED with Monistat

One can also buy fluconazole and ketoconazole without a prescription for tropical fish or nystatin for pigeons. Canadians can get fluconazole OTC as CanesOral. Check with a vet for proper dosing.

Hello, and thank you for starting this post. Went out to feed the hens this morning, and one didn't come down to eat, she was pacing back and forth on the roost. I could see from the door she had a huge crop that didn't come down from dinner last night. I've brought her inside and its been 24 hours no food or water. I did give her a little food pellets watered down and smashed up. She has pooped several times today, one cecal and the rest normal poops. Shes walking in the crate and causing a rutkus in the house with the dogs and cats. I think they are all finally settling down now though. I will be purchasing the monistat 3 tonight, and start dosing later this evening.

Well, shes had 4 doses of the monistat 3. Last night (the 3rd dosage) her crop was down in size. she is eating and drinking fine. I give her 1T of ff (no seed only crumbles FF'd) every 2 hours with additional water. Her poops look normal. but I feel a mass in her crop. I'm thinking its just a slow crop? It gets larger when she eats and drinks, then goes down after a while. I will continue to update.
Well, shes had 4 doses of the monistat 3. Last night (the 3rd dosage) her crop was down in size. she is eating and drinking fine. I give her 1T of ff (no seed only crumbles FF'd) every 2 hours with additional water. Her poops look normal. but I feel a mass in her crop. I'm thinking its just a slow crop? It gets larger when she eats and drinks, then goes down after a while. I will continue to update.
That's normal as the food is processed....send them to roost with full crops, withhold food and water over night, crop should be empty by morning.

The Monistat cures the fungal infection that happens when a crop is non functional for a while from other reasons.
That's normal as the food is processed....send them to roost with full crops, withhold food and water over night, crop should be empty by morning.

The Monistat cures the fungal infection that happens when a crop is non functional for a while from other reasons.

She went from Friday night to Saturday night with no change, just huge and squishy, like a water balloon. May have even been like that Friday morning as I know there was one BA that came down from the roost late. And her crop isn't emptying. In fact this morning, its smaller and still not empty. I would say its about the size of a tomato this morning. She has a lot of poops this am, very dry though.
I posted this to another thread, but wanted to put it here instead. My silkie had both a yeast infection in her crop and a bacterial infection. So if the Monistat doesn't work on its own, get some Baytril from the vet. My vet cut the pills into 4ths and I give one each morning.

Just to let you guys know, this has been a series of ups and down with Izzy Belle, the white silkie, with the crop issues. I thought she was completely healed on the antibiotic, but then with one day left, she began the head bobbing and gagging again. The next day her crop was huge and squishy again. I was seriously bummed.

It was day 7 on the antibiotic. Day 15 of this crop issue. The next day I took her back to the chicken vet. Her weight was good, (the same) but she agreed the crop was squishy. She tried to turn Izzy upside down and she kicked her vehemently. The vet said she was seriously fiesty.

She gave me options: 1) crop lavage and X rays to see if there was blockage 2) monitor and see 3) euthanasia.

She's pooping, eating, and weight is good so I have a hard time believing we are dealing with a blockage.

I choose my own option, being another round of antibiotics and another shot of antibiotic. I figured it was a long shot in case 7 days was not enough.

I also read obsessively about all the crop issues. Decided to try to vomit her, if necessary, despite the risks.

The next morning, her crop was big and I saw some videos of what to do and to prevent the inhalation of the nasty bile crop contents. Nervously, I tipped her up and massaged the crop and emptied it. Then pilled her with the Monistat and Baytril. She was still head bobbing and gagging, but after an hour, ate a ton and started acting normally. By mid day, she was barreling down the Chunnel and run. She went to bed with a full crop of food, no squishy. I was hopeful.

This morning, there was a slight squish but so much better. I skipped the vomiting and just pilled her with the Monistat and Baytril. Gave the whole flock yogurt, crushed garlic, and I have added probios, oatmeal, and garlic/yeast powder to the food this week as well.

Today was normal day and every time I looked out the window or ventured out, she was scratching and pecking and she went to bed with a full crop and it feels just like the other birds.

I'm cautiously optimistic. The vet says that she's a little older than when they typically present with genetic pendulous crops (she's a year old), but that with the ups and downs, we have to brace for that.

Right now, we are in the midst of an "up" so there's that. Just wanted to continue the story as it unfolds.

This morning, her crop seemed empty and she's acting normally, no gagging or head bobbing. After the original 7 days of antibiotic, I now have a 14 day supply of the Baytril. I'm still doing Monistat orally as well in case the antibiotic kills off her good flora and spurs a crop yeast infection.

We seem to be on the right track, so my fingers are crossed.
Another update on my silkie, Izzy Belle with the crop issues. 7 weeks of issues.

The second round with the antibiotics did not work. I kept her on the Monistat as well. That didn't work either.

I came back on here and read more crop information and someone recommended this: 3 days no food, only ACV water, then 3 days yogurt and ACV water, and 3 days scrambled eggs and ACV water. I brought Izzy inside in my giant tupperware in the bathroom and did this. It's supposed to reset the crop. I think it helped some. I also switched her to GSE after 5 days of ACV. When she pooped, it was green like she was becoming unblocked. Her spirits stayed high and she ate with gusto, but the crop was still distended and she was still bobbing her head with discomfort.

So, I felt like she has pendulous crop, which is more of a physical issue then a bacterial/viral/yeast deal.

I read about crop bras and someone's description of how to make one, which I didn't completely get. So I made my own. I got an athletic sock that was both elastic and large. I cut the heel out of it for her wings and put her head through the sock, pulled her wings out through the heel. I cut the sock off a little way past the heel, so there was something to keep it on.

Once she was in the sock, I cut it to fit her and doubled the fabric back which made for a push up crop bra. Her huge crop was jacked up and pushed up so it could empty. I made sure she could breathe well and that day I free ranged the whole flock for about 5 hours while I gardened and organized the garage. She seemed fine, but I checked on her a lot.

Next morning, crop was half the size! I was thrilled. I folded the bra back down. I think I need to put a few stiches in it to hold the folded part down because it pops up after some time.

Next morning, crop smaller yet.

Third morning, normal crop. I was elated. Then, Izzy laid an egg. First egg in 7 weeks.

Today is day #6. I need to see how long she needs the bra. She laid another egg yesterday and is happy as a clam with a small, normal crop.

If ONLY I had tried this a few weeks ago.
That is good information but I wanted to pass on that I had great success with Baking soda ( no vinegar that is for impacted crop!) mixed in with water. I put my hen next to the run in a pen by herself with baking soda with water and I did do the vomit thing and she was back to normal within 2 days.
That is good information but I wanted to pass on that I had great success with Baking soda ( no vinegar that is for impacted crop!) mixed in with water. I put my hen next to the run in a pen by herself with baking soda with water and I did do the vomit thing and she was back to normal within 2 days.

That sounds like something to try. I liked the information on the crop bra. That sounds like it would work. It is like, what came first? The chicken or the egg? What came first? The sour crop or the crop unable to empty so the contents sour. The crop bra sounds like it would help in emptying the crop so the contents don't spoil/go sour. I had to put a hen down last week cuz I couldn't cure the crop. I'm not much of a sewer but I may try something like a crop bra. I was thinking of those cynches that are used for backpacks to make the arm pads/waist pads tighter? Use those so you can really get it tight. Kinda like a fanny pack I guess but with the front part to be a firm cloth to hold the crop up. My gosh, I can't believe I'm trying to find/make a push up bra for a chicken!
Wow, thank you for staring this post. My BCM had severe sour crop and I came across this thread. I picked up some generic Monistat 3 that contained the suppositories and the cream (interesting look from the cashier when a man buys it lol). separated little Henrietta (she was so bad I had to vomit her at first) and mixed up yogurt, some monistat cream, and 1/3 of a chopped up suppository and fed it to her 3 x the first 2 days. from day one to day 2 it went from a softball to a little bigger than a golf ball. Mid day 2 I added some soft scrambled egg to the mix (she was STARVING) and by day 3 it was just a little smaller than a golf ball. By day 4 I would say she is normal. Ill keep an eye on her but she is happy, eating, drinking and back to her old self. She is my favorite hen (my little lap chicken). I can't thank Robinwithchickens enough!!
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