Sour Crop CURED with Monistat

Just how important is the vomiting part. I'd really like to avoid that. Will they get better with just the monistat treatment?
I think so. My girl was so bad, it was coming out of her mouth when I fed her the yogurt, but as it got smaller, I stopped vomiting her. I imagine the monistat will take care of it alone
After ten days of Monistat, my EE Rachel is no better. Perhaps it's because I was giving the Monistat doses only once a day? She did get all three of the suppositories, though, over nine days.

She seemed to be getting better. Her crop was smaller and not squishy. So yesterday I decided to syringe feed her a mixture of yogurt, tofu, and Poultry Drench. She had refused to eat her fermented feed, but she would nibble on fruits and veggies, but ate mostly sand grit.

This morning I saw she was doing the "neck swivel" again, and I examined her crop. Full and squishy after roosting all night. I took her out and vomited her. So now I'm at a crossroads. Do I begin the Monistat all over again or euthanize her?
She might have slow crop. My silkie had crop stasis or slow crop and I fitted her with a large athletic sock. I cut out the heel (to pull the wings through) and cut about 2 inches on both sides of the heel hole. It has solved my problem.

Before you euthanize her, try it. It's super simple and it basically jacks up the crop to a higher elevation, so that it empties with the help of gravity.
She might have slow crop. My silkie had crop stasis or slow crop and I fitted her with a large athletic sock. I cut out the heel (to pull the wings through) and cut about 2 inches on both sides of the heel hole. It has solved my problem.

Before you euthanize her, try it. It's super simple and it basically jacks up the crop to a higher elevation, so that it empties with the help of gravity.
I believe this condition is known, or also known, as 'Pendulous Crop'.
Rachel is a three and a half year old EE and the sock was tricky to get it to fit, and then she did all sorts of summersaults and other contortions trying to get it off. Of course, the others wanted to "help" and attacked her.

I suppose this is worth a try, but it seems if this was what was wrong with her, wouldn't she have an appetite? She hasn't touched her regular feed in two weeks, and yesterday she even passed up raisins.
Another update on my silkie, Izzy Belle with the crop issues. 7 weeks of issues.

The second round with the antibiotics did not work. I kept her on the Monistat as well. That didn't work either.

I came back on here and read more crop information and someone recommended this: 3 days no food, only ACV water, then 3 days yogurt and ACV water, and 3 days scrambled eggs and ACV water. I brought Izzy inside in my giant tupperware in the bathroom and did this. It's supposed to reset the crop. I think it helped some. I also switched her to GSE after 5 days of ACV. When she pooped, it was green like she was becoming unblocked. Her spirits stayed high and she ate with gusto, but the crop was still distended and she was still bobbing her head with discomfort.

So, I felt like she has pendulous crop, which is more of a physical issue then a bacterial/viral/yeast deal.

I read about crop bras and someone's description of how to make one, which I didn't completely get. So I made my own. I got an athletic sock that was both elastic and large. I cut the heel out of it for her wings and put her head through the sock, pulled her wings out through the heel. I cut the sock off a little way past the heel, so there was something to keep it on.

Once she was in the sock, I cut it to fit her and doubled the fabric back which made for a push up crop bra. Her huge crop was jacked up and pushed up so it could empty. I made sure she could breathe well and that day I free ranged the whole flock for about 5 hours while I gardened and organized the garage. She seemed fine, but I checked on her a lot.

Next morning, crop was half the size! I was thrilled. I folded the bra back down. I think I need to put a few stiches in it to hold the folded part down because it pops up after some time.

Next morning, crop smaller yet.

Third morning, normal crop. I was elated. Then, Izzy laid an egg. First egg in 7 weeks.

Today is day #6. I need to see how long she needs the bra. She laid another egg yesterday and is happy as a clam with a small, normal crop.

If ONLY I had tried this a few weeks ago.

Don't quite understand the bra. I would love to try it on my chicken. Can you post a picture? The concept sounds great and makes sense to help the crop empty.
The sock crop-bra had to come off. Rachel wouldn't tolerate it. She seemed to perk up the rest of the day, though. This puzzles me. She isn't eating anything that I can see. She scratches and pecks at the dirt, and I believe her crop contains only grit. It's small and hard. I put some meal worms on the ground in front of her, and she refused them. So I doubt she's scratching up and eating any bugs.

I've decided to quit force feeding her and medicating her. She will either get better or die.

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