Sour Crop CURED with Monistat

The one on the right worked great but the turtleneck part was too long. Crop bra 2.0 had half the length but I sewed a double band on both ends for strength.

Thank you. I still don't see how you secure that to the hen. The one wing goes through the cut out heel and then ? I was thinking of trying to make something using either Velcro or a cord like on backpacks to tighten up the bra. I can't sew but my neighbor can and she has made some hen saddles for me in the past.
My wonderful 4 year old Rhode Island Red/Black Australorp rooster's crow changed about a week ago. I thought, mmmmmm. He seemed okay but he went from a 3 syllable crow to a 2. Now he isn't eating/drinking. I'm trying to get food down him but you all know how hard that is to do. I did smell some sourness from his mouth but his crop is empty. I sure hate to lose him. He's the best rooster I have ever had. He really takes care of his gals good (food, breaks up fights, alerts when predators). Got one dose of monistat down him but he threw it up right away. I am getting down some raw egg yolk. Pray for Red!
I just went out to put the gals up and they're fighting without Red there.
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I am going through this with my EE hen Rachel. The Monistat seems to have cured the yeast infection, but she's been very slow in returning to eating.

Not eating is certainly the first sign of sour crop. Does his crop feel full and squishy? If it is full, you can give him some relief by holding him with his head pointing at the ground, and gently squeeze the crop to expel the contents. I waited too long to do this with Rachel, kind of learning as we went. Make sure he has plenty of fresh water as he'll be thirsty. I found that it did no good to try to force food down Rachel. It seemed to just make her more miserable.

I didn't read the thread very well, and I only dosed Rachel once a day, but I did get all nine doses of the Monistat down her over as many days. Now she is very slowly eating again, but very little. She seems to be filling her crop with grit. It feels small and hard now, not normal yet. I massage her crop a couple times a day to try to stimulate it to move stuff through.

That's all I can offer. I still don't know if she'll start eating enough again to survive. She feels as though she can't weigh more than a pound and a half or two.

Report back here and let us know how you're making out with your rooster. I can at least offer you moral support.
I am going through this with my EE hen Rachel. The Monistat seems to have cured the yeast infection, but she's been very slow in returning to eating.

Not eating is certainly the first sign of sour crop. Does his crop feel full and squishy? If it is full, you can give him some relief by holding him with his head pointing at the ground, and gently squeeze the crop to expel the contents. I waited too long to do this with Rachel, kind of learning as we went. Make sure he has plenty of fresh water as he'll be thirsty. I found that it did no good to try to force food down Rachel. It seemed to just make her more miserable.

I didn't read the thread very well, and I only dosed Rachel once a day, but I did get all nine doses of the Monistat down her over as many days. Now she is very slowly eating again, but very little. She seems to be filling her crop with grit. It feels small and hard now, not normal yet. I massage her crop a couple times a day to try to stimulate it to move stuff through.

That's all I can offer. I still don't know if she'll start eating enough again to survive. She feels as though she can't weigh more than a pound and a half or two.

Report back here and let us know how you're making out with your rooster. I can at least offer you moral support.

His crop is empty. I got one dose of Monistat down him and he threw it up right away. I have been able to get some raw egg yolk down him with the catheter. Thanx for the support. I have some eggs that he fertilized and I may see if one of my hens will sit on them. I hate to lose those good genes.
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