Sour Crop CURED with Monistat

Thanks for your Monistat story. I am new at this. Pretty sure my girl has vent gleet and want to try Monistat. You said you fed it to yours? What quantity and how?
I cut the waxy suppositories into thirds, fed her one piece in am and one in pm till all three whole suppositories were gone. I also brought her in the house and fed her scrambled eggs, yogurt, and plenty of fresh water. She was much better in one day, didn't need to vomit her anymore and after three days she was back in the coop. Hope this helps.
I cut the waxy suppositories into thirds, fed her one piece in am and one in pm till all three whole suppositories were gone. I also brought her in the house and fed her scrambled eggs, yogurt, and plenty of fresh water. She was much better in one day, didn't need to vomit her anymore and after three days she was back in the coop. Hope this helps.

Just want to be sure we are talking about the same product / dose. Mine say 200mg of miconazole nitrate in each suppository.
I just gave her the first 1/3 of a suppository (with egg and yogurt, at about 5:00 pm).
Do you think it would be safe to give her another dose late tonight, about 6 hours from now?
Yes I do especially since it is her first dose. Have you had to vomit her at all? Is she eating? Or drinking.? Keeping fingers and toes crossed that she makes a remarkable recovery as my girl did.

Yes I do especially since it is her first dose. Have you had to vomit her at all? Is she eating? Or drinking.? Keeping fingers and toes crossed that she makes a remarkable recovery as my girl did.


She wasn't eating much yesterday. When free-ranging, I watched her and she hardly picked at the grass at all. Lots of gurgling and "gagging" or swallowing motions. I brought her in for the night, last night, and gave her some baking soda water (as per chicken chick website). I did try to vomit her, and managed to get a good bit up but she's so full and squishy... I didn't want to risk hurting her.
Today, she's still full and squishy. (about the same size) But she ate the egg, yogurt and suppository bits up with no hesitation.
I'm hopeful...
I felt around the crop and don't find anything large, or hard. Nothing but... squish.
I will give her more before bed tonight and will keep you posted! Thanks for your quick reply!! Sure appreciate it!!
My pleasure, I know I love my birds and was scared, worried, and distressed when I found this with my Stephanie. The people on this site are amazing, have helped me through quite a bit. I had to vomit mine three or four times until the squish was gone. Nasty, awful smelling stuff. Yuck. I'll be watching for progress!

Trudy was still very full and squishy this am. So I vomited her again and gave her more of the scrambled egg, yogurt and monostat.
I got quite a bit of it out of her, but wasn't able to get her fully empty. It feels like there might be some solids in there? Not like a hard ball, more free-moving. But possibly grass...? She hasn't had any grain or scratch. So I added some grit to the egg concoction to hopefully get that through.
She pooped this am, and it was black/green. Reminded me of "broody poop", but looser. But she's not acting droopy or sickly, and was very interested in eating what I brought, so I still feel hopeful that she'll get through this.
I guess we'll watch and wait. I'll give her more later today...
I had to use a combination of the monistat, the crop bra, and impacted crop instructions to get my girl Trudy back to normal, but we have regular poop again and she is bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and itching to go outside. It's the start of spring, so hoping to get some eggs again, soon, too.
I used the monistat for 24 hours, but the squishy balloon-ing persisted. So I made a crop bra for her and put that on her overnight the 2nd night. By morning, her crop was drained and I was able to feel a solid mass. Basically, all the grass (I'm guessing, it happened after everyone was allowed to free range consistently for the first time) plugged her up, then went sour when it didn't flow out of the crop. Once her crop drained overnight, all the remaining solids compacted. I was able to feed very runny/watery mash with extra grit and greek yogurt with live cultures over the next day, massaging well after each feeding, as well as off and on throughout the day. The mass shrunk, slowly, and her crop started emptying more normally.
I think I will likely need to continue using the crop bra for a while, which Trudy will not be a fan of. But I fear her crop got pretty large before I noticed it. I'm hoping that with the added support and a little extra time, she will be able to get along without it.
A huge thank you to Robinwiththechickens for posting her very successful remedy, to Karabou for her info about the crop bra and the pictures so I could make my own, and to Sue Turpin for replying so quickly when I needed to know if I was using the correct product and dosing. Thank you!!!
Thank you. I still don't see how you secure that to the hen. The one wing goes through the cut out heel and then ? I was thinking of trying to make something using either Velcro or a cord like on backpacks to tighten up the bra. I can't sew but my neighbor can and she has made some hen saddles for me in the past.
Sorry Betsy57. I am just seeing this. The whole sock goes over the head of the bird and the side opposite of the cut out heel snugs up against the crop/breast and the hole, where the heel has been cut is where you (very gently) pull out both wings. In other words, the hole goes on the top of the bird and is big enough so both wings pull out. The double band goes over the back, behind the wings and around the bottom of the crop. The top double band goes at the top of the crop.

My hen is a silkie so she's tiny, so one of my tennis socks is perfect. For a large hen, might have to go to the men's dept. socks. I read that support socks are particularly effective.

My athletic socks last about 4 weeks and then I sew another. I hit the thrift shoppe where sock pair are $.40.

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