Sour Crop CURED with Monistat

My knowledge is very limited.  I have a "crop bra" on my Orpington right now, until I figure out a better solution.  I don't see how limiting water intake would be a good thing.  Just can't see it.  I have also read that you SHOULD NOT use apple cider vinegar with sour crop.  It adds even more acidity and you don't want that.  Try and PM (private message)  "Casportpony"  She is very knowledgeable and might be able to offer some additional help.  There are so many knowledgeable and helpful people on BYC.  She just came to mind first.
Best of luck and keep us posted.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought the limiting water to be odd. I did leave her without water the first 12 hours and food for the first 24 hours but after that I feel she needs water definitely. I have been putting baking soda in her water per "the chicken vets" article. After putting the bra on her and giving her some yogurt this am she did do a pretty good size poop so I'm praying this is helping support the crop in a more emptying position.
I called the vet and told her what I had done so far, she agreed with it and said "the only thing I would do different is monitor and limit water intake". Should I call again and ask more questions? I've done so much research it just goes against everything
I'd call back and ask how much they would charge to look at a sample from her crop microscopically. That would tell you if you're dealing with yeast or bacteria. Another possibitly is cappilary worms, they can live in the crop and esophagus, but I'm not sure if they would cause he symptoms you're seeing.

Keep in mind that slow crops are usually secondary to something else more serious. That's what makes them hard to treat.

I would ask her why she wants you to limit water and ask her to tell you *exactly* what that means as far as quantity of allowed water.

I'd call back and ask how much they would charge to look at a sample from her crop microscopically. That would tell you if you're dealing with yeast or bacteria. Another possibitly is cappilary worms, they can live in the crop and esophagus, but I'm not sure if they would cause he symptoms you're seeing.

Keep in mind that slow crops are usually secondary to something else more serious. That's what makes them hard to treat.

I would ask her why she wants you to limit water and ask her to tell you *exactly* what that means as far as quantity of allowed water.


Thank you I will. My husband also found an avian vet about an hour away that I'm gonna call tomorrow as well
I did the monostat treatment with my little rooster and he was feeling much better in 2-3 days. This AM his crop was almost normal. I gave him free access to water and fed him a blend of egg yolk, apple sauce, yogurt, and chick feed. I gave him 1/6 of a "pill" of the monostat every evening. He was in the same shape as your girl, barely eating and very lethargic. As long as you don't think she has an impaction, I would try this. It worked wonders on my boy and saved his life!'s than update. This was "Baby's" first day with normal layer feed and grit. Crop has been empty all day until just a bit ago. Her crop felt squishy so I thought id give her a quick massage to see if it would help and she puked on me. Thoughts, am I worried about nothing...should I be more worried?
Oh and I took her crop bra off earlier this evening too...
I have found with my orpington, I have to leave the "crop bra" on her all the time. Of course, I take it off to check her, clean it, etc.

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