Sour Crop CURED with Monistat

So I am trying the 7 day cream to see how that goes. She takes liquids better than solids so I will report back with how it goes.
How courageous of you! I'm going to write this down. I had a hen who had a huge water-balloon crop and she didn't make it. I think I'll try this the next time I see one of the girls with a problem. Good for you for being brave! I have a friend who said "How do you know so much about chickens?" And its because of forums like this who share and teach. Its great!
I put the piece down her throat. When she fights me two much I break the piece in half and put them in one at a time. It's much easier to do with two people, but with my husband's work schedule that's not possible.
I sucked up the cream in a syringe then sucked up some water and shook it a bit. It went down really well. The only problem with this is the dosing. It is a 7 day cream but I am giving her a little bit at a time just to make sure I dont kill her.

Tonight I gave her a little bit of monistat, then regurgitated her a bit later. I then gave her a bit more monistat to hopefully jump start the process a bit.

She does not like it when I make her throw up and neither do I. I feel so bad when I do it, especially when it gets into her nose and she sneezes a lot. I am just trying to help though!!! She couldnt have been to mad at me though because she fell asleep under my arm :)
I put the piece down her throat. When she fights me two much I break the piece in half and put them in one at a time. It's much easier to do with two people, but with my husband's work schedule that's not possible.
I did exactly the same thing. Open her beak and stuff the piece in, follow with a syringe of water or yogurt. If she fought too much, we'd cut the piece in half or quarters and feed a little at a time. Wrapping her in a towel helped, but having my hubby hold her beak open helped even more.
The cream works!!!!!!

OMG I almost just started crying because her crop wasn't a giant boob anymore!!!

The original poster should win some kind of Backyard Chicken Achievement of the Year Award. This is amazing, and so easy to fix. Now I am trying not to get ahead of myself it has only been a day, but so far so good!

Now I have a sinus infection in a different one... what is wrong with my girls!!! Its like they are getting sick just for attention... yikes... never had this problem with my last batch of chickens.
If that worked I wonder if just plain yogurt would do the trick. Most anything that you would use these cremes on can also be fixed by just using yogurt with live cultures. If I ever have one on one of my guys I'll have to try that. Great tip though!

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