Sour Crop CURED with Monistat

The cream works!!!!!!

OMG I almost just started crying because her crop wasn't a giant boob anymore!!!

The original poster should win some kind of Backyard Chicken Achievement of the Year Award. This is amazing, and so easy to fix. Now I am trying not to get ahead of myself it has only been a day, but so far so good!

Now I have a sinus infection in a different one... what is wrong with my girls!!! Its like they are getting sick just for attention... yikes... never had this problem with my last batch of chickens.
I'm so glad this is working for you! I'm sorry you're having a rough go with your hens this year, it seems to be a bad year for several people. I just took in 6 new laying hens about 2 months ago and so far we have had cross-beaks, eggbound, lice, hard molt, and sour crop...oh yeah, and mysterious wheezing that seems to come and go.

i know this is going to sound so stupid, but it doenst hurt to ingest the Monistat if it's a supository? I want to keep this one in my 'fix it list' if i know it's safe! awesome job with your girl!
I knew I was taking a gamble when I tried feeding her Monistat, but I was looking at her dying already. The only thing in the suppository besides the "active ingredient" is hydrogenated vegetable oil. It was worth a shot, and it seemed to work with no adverse side effects.

If that worked I wonder if just plain yogurt would do the trick. Most anything that you would use these cremes on can also be fixed by just using yogurt with live cultures. If I ever have one on one of my guys I'll have to try that. Great tip though!
I had been feeding my girl plain greek style yogurt for 2-weeks prior to trying the Monistat with no signs of improvement. It is always my goal to fix the problem naturally first, before using medication, but nothing was helping and I was getting desperate. Was I using the wrong kind of yogurt?
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I have never tried it on sour crops, but usually on other animals I have used the live culture ones. All yogurts have live cultures, but the ones that actually are advertised as such have a few more then the regular ones. It was just a thought I had, either way I bet they enjoyed the yogurt and even if it didn't fix it, it's still good for them
Ok, so I'd like to make sure I have the dosage info correct. So for the suppository type monistate 3, cut each suppository into 3rds and give one 3rd each morning and night until all are gone.

@JakRat, how much of the 7 day cream did you give at a time? I know you mentioned you also mixed it with water. Just trying to figure out the dosage and how long you gave it.

Does the medication need to be given even after the sour crop is cleared or is their a risk of it coming back?

I have a hen who's crop feels like mushy oatmeal or wet sand when I press on it, I have been wondering if that was normal or if it was a sign of sour crop. She is eating and drinking, just not as much as I think she should be eating. She has been having other health issues and I am just finishing up a treatment of Baytril today.
I have never tried it on sour crops, but usually on other animals I have used the live culture ones. All yogurts have live cultures, but the ones that actually are advertised as such have a few more then the regular ones. It was just a thought I had, either way I bet they enjoyed the yogurt and even if it didn't fix it, it's still good for them
Oh duh! It never even occurred to me to try the yogurt with extra live cultures. I hope there never is a next time, but if there is I'll have to try that first. You're right, they all enjoy yogurt! As I was syringe feeding my poor sick hen her yogurt, the other girls were jumping up and pecking at the syringe...wanting their share I suppose.
Ok, so I'd like to make sure I have the dosage info correct. So for the suppository type monistate 3, cut each suppository into 3rds and give one 3rd each morning and night until all are gone.

@JakRat, how much of the 7 day cream did you give at a time? I know you mentioned you also mixed it with water. Just trying to figure out the dosage and how long you gave it.

Does the medication need to be given even after the sour crop is cleared or is their a risk of it coming back?

I have a hen who's crop feels like mushy oatmeal or wet sand when I press on it, I have been wondering if that was normal or if it was a sign of sour crop. She is eating and drinking, just not as much as I think she should be eating. She has been having other health issues and I am just finishing up a treatment of Baytril today.

Well I used a bigger syringe. It goes up to 5ml I think. I sucked up to about 1ml. Its not exactly one ml because the cream just kinda goes into it and doesnt fill it all the way. I then filled it with water to about 2 - 2.5 and then shook it up a bit.

This has worked as of yesterday, but I have not gone out to check on her. It was amazing to see how her crop went down though! It was so big that when she was jumping out of the coop she was falling on her face and toppling over. YIKES!
How is everyones hens doing?

Mine is great so far!

Her crop is still a bit distended, but it is nowhere near as bad as it was last week. She has a few sniffles this week, but I think that is still some back up from when I had to vomit her.

Now on to the next hen issue I have. BLAH
I just tried this on my 10-year-old australorp, Roseanne Rosanna Dana.

I noticed she was hanging back more than usual. I picked her up and she had a huge pasty butt under all those feathers. I brought her in and cleaned her up and put her in the chickie hospital (medium dog crate). She was eating but not pooping much. And very liquidy. I finally noticed the hanging balloon chest. I had been feeding her yogurt and that was helping but not fixing.

I mixed ~ 1 ml cream with ~ 2 ml yogurt and some water. After I got some in her, she seemed to think it did not taste so bad.

She is running around the yard with the rest of the girls. I will bring her in at night so I can treat her in the AMs.

Fingers are crossed.
I have a hen that I just noticed had sour crop this morning. I vomited her, and she went straight back to eating. Seems completely normally besides the squishy, smelly crop. Should I go straight to giving her this monistat, or should I try the plain pro-biotic yoghurt first?
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I think I am going to have to re treat mine. I am not sure I treated it long enough.

I would treat her for the sour crop because it is a fungal infection. It probably doesnt go away with just vomiting. I was vomiting mine and hers just got right back up to being big until I did the monistat.

Her crop was looking a bit squishy today so I will probably give her some more.

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