Sour Crop CURED with Monistat

I'm really not sure on the egg withdrawal question. My poor baby wasn't laying because she was so sick. This is afterall, medicine meant for humans, although it would be absorbed rather than ingested if we were to use it on ourselves. I guess a good rule of thumb would be, "if in doubt, throw them out," maybe for 2-weeks, isn't that pretty standard for egg withdrawal after other medications?

Best of luck to all of you!
Did you give monistat via her behind or orally in her mouth?
I'm at my wits end and willing to try anything
I started monistat


to day i hope it works for me thank you very much , i am new to byc i don`t know if any one is getting messages

Jerey Mae
Hi ,
I started monistat to day i hope it works for me she is just one of the 25 hens at 13 KS. old i h
ave they are all Plymouth rocks
thank you so much
jerrey mae
I just wanted to post that it is never a good idea to make a chicken puke. This is bad advice that has somehow managed to become treatment. You should never, no matter what the condition, make a chicken vomit. The risk of aspiration and death are too great. Plus, it has absolutely no medical significance. The yeast is in the crop. They aren't going to throw it up. It's sort of like a human having a yeast infection and thinking that a water flush will help. Please, for the sake of your chickens. Do not induce vomiting.
I agree. I have killed one by doing that. NEVER again..... But, i did help one that was choking on a grape get it up and it saved her life.
I have 'removed' grapes from my chickens, also! The greedy devils :) I had even quartered the grapes and they gobbled them so fast that I had to push them back up and out. This happened twice! They just never learn.

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