Sour Crop + Lice on One Hen, Any Advice Please?


6 Years
Feb 21, 2018
Northern Kentucky, USA
Hi there! I'm in quite the pickle with one of my girls, Ducky, right now. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Long story short: I found lice on her yesterday, gave her a dusting of permethrin + diatomaceous earth + quarantined her, then realised she's been dealing with a sour or slow crop as well. I had her regurgitate after I gave her some water with electrolytes and probiotics. I've since let her have more water and a bit of food, along with two doses of clotrimazole, and she seems a bit worse for wear again. What else can I do to help her? Please help if possible!

Full Information: Yesterday morning, I checked on my girls as usual before letting them out to their run, and noticed my Ducky seemed a little slower than usual. A few hens were laying, so I left her and them up for a bit. I returned to let them out later, and Ducky seemed pretty much the same as before, so I kind of brushed it off as she was having a slightly off day. Fast forward to later that evening, and Ducky seemed much more lethargic and weak. Uh-oh. She wasn't talking at all either, and she's normally quite vivacious and sweet and chatty.
I gave her a very thorough look over, and I found teeny tiny white bugs around her vent that quickly scattered into her feathers, which I later figured out were chicken lice. Thankfully I had some diatomaceous earth on hand, and later found my permethrin, so I dusted her with both, making sure to really massage it all in. I made sure to give the others a small sprinkling too, as well as the coop itself, though from what I could see, none of the others were infested like she was.
She didn't seem interested in drinking water nor eating, and that's a very bad sign for her since she's always super ready for both! During my earlier reading, I found out that often times if a chicken has a lice outbreak, there's another underlying problem causing the chicken to feel bad enough not to dust bathe properly as it should to keep the lice + mites down. I noticed when giving her a look over that her crop was a bit mushy feeling, so I made sure to check on it again this morning after letting her rest all night. Sure enough, it was still full. She also had diarrhea that was basically just really stinky water with a few strange bits in it. Not good, not normal! I did a bit more reading, and deduced she probably has a sour or slow crop.
Because she had defecated a whole buncha water, I gave her some water with electrolytes in it and put her back in quarantine to rest, I figured she was dehydrated and tired. When I checked on her again later, she had perked up slightly, and even made noise once or so.
With my reading this morning, it seemed like regurgitating her might be a good idea to be sure whether or not she had crop issues, so I did that outside. A whole lot of nasty, sour smelling fluid came out, along with some bits of grass. No white bits, and her breath didn't stink in addition to that. I managed to get her crop nearly empty, though it seemed not 100% flat, but still very squishy.
A bit later, I gave her some water with electrolytes and probiotics, along with a bit of mushy peas (it was the only thing she seemed interested in + would willingly eat) and gave her two doses of clotrimazole cream orally. She upchucked a bit unprompted by me with the second dose, unpleasant smelling water and some bits of grass again.
What steps should I take now, do y'all think? Should I continue to try doctoring her myself or should I take her into a vet, despite all this social distancing and home staying I've been doing during these times? I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get her well. Honestly not too worried about the lice since today it seems the permethrin did the trick, but the crop is definitely giving us both grief.
Thanks for reading all this, I tried to be real thorough, and I really do appreciate any help I can get! ;;;
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Hi @TwoCrows ! I just read your article on impacted, slow, and sour crops and it was super informative, thanks for takin' the time to write all that out way back when! I was wondering, could you please maybe provide some more insight on my girl's case specifically? I'm a bit lost on what else to do for her. I included as much info as I could, so please lemme know if there's any gaps I can fill too! Thanks~ :jumpy
Hi there! I'm in quite the pickle with one of my girls, Ducky, right now. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Long story short: I found lice on her yesterday, gave her a dusting of permethrin + diatomaceous earth + quarantined her, then realised she's been dealing with a sour or slow crop as well. I had her regurgitate after I gave her some water with electrolytes and probiotics. I've since let her have more water and a bit of food, along with two doses of clotrimazole, and she seems a bit worse for wear again. What else can I do to help her? Please help if possible!

Full Information: Yesterday morning, I checked on my girls as usual before letting them out to their run, and noticed my Ducky seemed a little slower than usual. A few hens were laying, so I left her and them up for a bit. I returned to let them out later, and Ducky seemed pretty much the same as before, so I kind of brushed it off as she was having a slightly off day. Fast forward to later that evening, and Ducky seemed much more lethargic and weak. Uh-oh. She wasn't talking at all either, and she's normally quite vivacious and sweet and chatty.
I gave her a very thorough look over, and I found teeny tiny white bugs around her vent that quickly scattered into her feathers, which I later figured out were chicken lice. Thankfully I had some diatomaceous earth on hand, and later found my permethrin, so I dusted her with both, making sure to really massage it all in. I made sure to give the others a small sprinkling too, as well as the coop itself, though from what I could see, none of the others were infested like she was.
She didn't seem interested in drinking water nor eating, and that's a very bad sign for her since she's always super ready for both! During my earlier reading, I found out that often times if a chicken has a lice outbreak, there's another underlying problem causing the chicken to feel bad enough not to dust bathe properly as it should to keep the lice + mites down. I noticed when giving her a look over that her crop was a bit mushy feeling, so I made sure to check on it again this morning after letting her rest all night. Sure enough, it was still full. She also had diarrhea that was basically just really stinky water with a few strange bits in it. Not good, not normal! I did a bit more reading, and deduced she probably has a sour or slow crop.
Because she had defecated a whole buncha water, I gave her some water with electrolytes in it and put her back in quarantine to rest, I figured she was dehydrated and tired. When I checked on her again later, she had perked up slightly, and even made noise once or so.
With my reading this morning, it seemed like regurgitating her might be a good idea to be sure whether or not she had crop issues, so I did that outside. A whole lot of nasty, sour smelling fluid came out, along with some bits of grass. No white bits, and her breath didn't stink in addition to that. I managed to get her crop nearly empty, though it seemed not 100% flat, but still very squishy.
A bit later, I gave her some water with electrolytes and probiotics, along with a bit of mushy peas (it was the only thing she seemed interested in + would willingly eat) and gave her two doses of clotrimazole cream orally. She upchucked a bit unprompted by me with the second dose, unpleasant smelling water and some bits of grass again.
What steps should I take now, do y'all think? Should I continue to try doctoring her myself or should I take her into a vet, despite all this social distancing and home staying I've been doing during these times? I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get her well. Honestly not too worried about the lice since today it seems the permethrin did the trick, but the crop is definitely giving us both grief.
Thanks for reading all this, I tried to be real thorough, and I really do appreciate any help I can get! ;;;
Mites can only be transmitted by direct contact between birds. Treatment for mite deplumation requires the use of Ivermectin with a 1% drop spot. It is important to remember that Ivermectin has 1 week of egg withdrawal period. Treat the house as you would in the case of a red mite infestation.
I am so sorry you are dealing with both issues at the same time! :hugs And yes, many times when there is an underlying issue, parasites do overtake them.

As for the sour crop, judging from the grass you found in the vomit, its possible she has an impaction further on down in the gizzard.

If she were mine, I would do a couple of things. First, get some Dulcolax, the stool softener only, no harsh laxatives. (The only ingredient should be Docusate Sodium, 100mg.) You will be pricking open the gel cap and squeezing out the contents onto food. Give her 1 in the morning, 1 in the evening until her crop moves normally, it usually takes several days. If you do not have or can't get the Dulcolax, you can use Mineral Oil. (I have never used it but ma y people here have had great success with it.) .1ml once a day till the crop moves normally. Empty her crop if you can with vomiting only once a day first thing in the morning before medications and to get her off to a good start each day feeling better. No hard foods, no free ranging, but keep her eating lightly with water soluble easy to digest foods.

I might also use some Acidified Copper Sulfate to combat the yeasts she is building up in her system. You can get this at Twin Cities Poultry... This stuff will knock out any nasty sour or doughy crop.

As for the lice, a Permethrin spray on her, all your birds, entire coop, roost bars etc...should take care of the lice. Strip the coop completely before spraying. Get under the roost bar itself too, bugs like to hide under the birds in the wood. Spray once a week for a couple few weeks.

Good luck and keep us posted!
I am so sorry you are dealing with both issues at the same time! :hugs And yes, many times when there is an underlying issue, parasites do overtake them.

As for the sour crop, judging from the grass you found in the vomit, its possible she has an impaction further on down in the gizzard.

If she were mine, I would do a couple of things. First, get some Dulcolax, the stool softener only, no harsh laxatives. (The only ingredient should be Docusate Sodium, 100mg.) You will be pricking open the gel cap and squeezing out the contents onto food. Give her 1 in the morning, 1 in the evening until her crop moves normally, it usually takes several days. If you do not have or can't get the Dulcolax, you can use Mineral Oil. (I have never used it but ma y people here have had great success with it.) .1ml once a day till the crop moves normally. Empty her crop if you can with vomiting only once a day first thing in the morning before medications and to get her off to a good start each day feeling better. No hard foods, no free ranging, but keep her eating lightly with water soluble easy to digest foods.

I might also use some Acidified Copper Sulfate to combat the yeasts she is building up in her system. You can get this at Twin Cities Poultry... This stuff will knock out any nasty sour or doughy crop.

As for the lice, a Permethrin spray on her, all your birds, entire coop, roost bars etc...should take care of the lice. Strip the coop completely before spraying. Get under the roost bar itself too, bugs like to hide under the birds in the wood. Spray once a week for a couple few weeks.

Good luck and keep us posted!

Sorry for the late response, I didn't receive an email notification for some reason! I really appreciate your help and kind words, thanks so much. :hugs

Yeah, it's starting to seem that way, because treating her for sour crop isn't really making her improve, but she also isn't getting worse (thankfully!). I will be able to grab the Dulcolax while I'm out tomorrow, so in the meantime, would olive oil work ok do you think? I don't have any mineral oil on hand. Do you think making a crop bra would be a good idea, too? I've heard some folks on these forums seem to have some good luck with those in addition to the medications. She also doesn't have much of an appetite for anything aside from sometimes bread and water, so that's better than nothing, right? I'm worried that's not enough nutrition for her problem right now, but it's all I can get her to take without force feeding. If you think force feeding would be a good idea too, I'll definitely give it a try! (Did it some yesterday with very limited success... just some mushed up feed with a spoon because it wouldn't fit in my syringe.)

I'm unsure if those guys are open what with all this COVID-19 catastrophe goin' on, so I've messaged them and we'll see~ Thanks for the suggestion, I'll get some if I can!

I did all that but with permethrin powder, if I notice any bugs cropping up again despite powdering once per week, I'll make sure to make a trip for the spray version instead! Thanks again for the help and any further advice you can give me. I'm glad to not have to face this alone!
I'm sorry to report that she passed away this morning in my arms. I think she waited just long enough for me to see her one last time... There's no doubt it was from either sour crop or an impaction or both because when she left me, all that awful fluid came spilling out of her beak again. She was so weak this morning she couldn't even stand, that's when I knew things were about over... her comb also turned a strange blue-ish colour, so I'm unsure if she was having trouble of some other sort too. I was unable to keep her body for an autopsy or anything because my family took care of it while I was mourning, so I'm not 100% sure what happened and never will be. Everything was awful to see to happen to such a sweet girl. I regret not taking her to the vet first thing, but my family discouraged me to... Still, I appreciate all the help I was given here, I don't think she would have made it as long as she had if I didn't have y'all, so thank you. She just had too severe a case for an amateur like me to handle I guess! And I'm unsure if there was much the local vets could have done either. My heart is broken and I miss her dearly already... but I gotta keep it movin' 'cause the rest of my flock still needs me. :hit
I’m so sorry for your loss. I had a girl with a very sour crop. It spilled out when I picked her up and she aspirated before I could empty it. I understand. Sometimes these things just happen.
Thank ya for your kindness. :hugs It's definitely been a hard day. I'm super sorry you had to deal with something similar! It's awful to see and to go thru, but I reckon we did all we could.
Thats what we always do. What we can. It’s always rough when we lose one. I’ve definitely had some saves but, seems like it’s more losses. Chickens seem to recover from injury REALLY well with hardly any help. Sickness however, seems to take them down. I hope your day gets better❤️
Thats what we always do. What we can. It’s always rough when we lose one. I’ve definitely had some saves but, seems like it’s more losses. Chickens seem to recover from injury REALLY well with hardly any help. Sickness however, seems to take them down. I hope your day gets better❤
That's the truth!! This is thankfully the first loss I've had like this, others were from predators, not from disease. So sorry for any losses you've had too. Thank you so much again, yesterday was rough, but today's been better! 💖

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