Sour Crop or Something else?


Apr 4, 2014
I am not sure what is wrong with my Blue Orpington. Her crop is always big, full and squishy. At first I thought it was sour crop. I monitored her for awhile. The first day she was a little off balance early in the morning but as the day went on she was back to her normal self. She is still eating, pooping and doing chicken things. I have been giving all of the girls plain yogurt. Not sure what I should do for her. It doesn't seem to be affecting her other than the slight balance issue the first day. Could this be sour crop or something else? I had thought about vomiting her to empty the crop but that is not something I want to do unless I absolutely have to.

Other info that may help: She stays in the coop and fenced run with the other hens, no free ranging. Feed has not changed. They get mana pro layer feed that is always available for them to free feed. They get occasional treats, greens, scraps from our kitchen, bits of bread, meal worms and beetles. Since there really isn't any grass right now I don't think she could have gotten a long blade. And since she is still eating and pooping I am not sure that there is a blockage.

Any thoughts?
It seems like it is always full. Even in the mornings. We get out pretty early to open up the coop but the feed is always available so it is possible she is eating before we get out there. I have tried to smell her breath but don't notice any strong smell.
You have to verify that her crop is not emptying overnight before confirming crop issues. It could be a number of things making your hen "off balance". There should be a sticky at the top of this forum that tells you what questions to ask to get better help.

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