South Carolina

Good morning fellow bird aficionados!

Anyone here near the summerville area? We don’t have any chickens yet, we’re just starting out with some ducklings and really excited to watch them grow!😊 Here’s our cuddly babies🥰


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Woo! This changeover of the website has really messed me up with following threads or participating much over here at BYC. I love seeing the recent banter though :)

I just set my first batch of the year tonight, so should have some chicks for Valentine's Day. If anyone is near Holly Hill, I should have some naked necks, and possibly naked neck easter eggers! I'm so excited!

As for the litter discussion, I'm still doing the deep litter method. My coops are on a dirt floor and sand just isn't my thing.

And for funsies - photos!

Hey Everyone! When I lived in Georgia we had a monthly backyard chicken meeting. Sometimes we had a guest speaker but mostly we would get together and talk about our chickens and discuss any chicken concerns. It was nice chicken friendly group. I don’t know if anyone is interested. I live in Lexington and wouldn’t mind hosting it if anyone is interested. We could all meet in a restaurant that is more middle from where everyone is coming from.
Let me know
Just peeking in, lol! I too have salmon fav boys in need of a home. Upstate area p.m me for info. Good boys, hand raised nice atitudes I just hit the boy jackpot this year so i've got waaay too many. All very cleanly colored not muddy, proper toes and nice combs. VERY used to people and handling so they would be a good show or 4-H roosters, pets, replacements for bad roosters or nice first roosters for a novice.You could eat them if you wanted but they will come to you like a dog so that would be coooold blooded lol! I've posted a pic of mom and dad to show what these boys are made of. All are from these two, Miss Lulu really gave me some doodles this time.:)
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It's a wrench to post this because he's been such a good boy, but ordinances being what they are, we won't be able to keep our gorgeous Black Sex Link cockerel Marlowe for too much longer. If anyone in the Upstate SC area would like to give him a loving home, I'd be mightily appreciative. View attachment 3142809View attachment 3142812

I'm sorry about your situation, but what I encountered yesterday, is a bit of a coincidence.

An insurance inspector stopped by yesterday to take a few pics of my house. While in the backyard, he took pics of my coop, then wandered over to it and peered at my birds. Wanting to look at them didn't seem weird. I've had landscaping people, as well as others, wanting to see the chickens. Taking a picture of the coop is what struck me as odd.

I contacted my agent to ask about this behavior, and long story short, some insurance companies "allow" poultry, while some others don't. Turns out mine allows up to 50 birds.

Although I'm well below the limit, I was really beginning to get angry at the thought of being or not being allowed something by an insurance company. I already get into a tizzy, thinking about .gov and laws and ordinances saying what were allowed to do on our property.

Checking in from Anderson.
This is my first summer having chickens. I've got a small flock of 1 rooster and 4 hens and getting a steady supply of eggs.
I have way to many chicken videos on my YouTube page from building my coop and feeders and just general new chicken owner stuff. Pretty much stuff that amuses me but probably no one else cares about :)

Just popped in to say hey, looking forward to learning more from people smarter than me.


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