Sparrow Ministries - 01-06-2012 Cleaning room done!

I think it's a wonderful idea but I would encourage you to charge some fee to cover the cost of the feed, bedding, medicine, upkeep, etc. Perhaps you could ask for a "dozen donation". In my church, it's called a "love offering" and folks are pretty generous.
Maybe you can see if your church has a food closet and donate your eggs to them. We have many organizations in dire need of food donations. With the holidays coming up I know the needy can greatly benefit from eggs
I love it!!!! What a great idea for Easter gifts to the neighbors, too. Kinda like resurrection eggs. Praise the Lord for his goodness to us!
WOW!!! You guys have REALLY inspired me and challenged me! My chicks should start laying soon and my step Mom's Rhode Island Reds are giving her 15 eggs a day now!!! She is looking for people to give them away to(but not as a ministry)...BUT...this is where I could jump in...pick up the eggs from her farm and deliver them to the people in need with the good news of course!
People are hurting everywhere and REALLY need REAL Christians to help them and pray with them. Ok...lot to think about! My grandmom(who's been passed away for many years now) used to make huge pots of yummy stews and soups in the fall/winter months always enough to share with her was such a nice gesture and I've been thinking about doing the same for my neighbors for a LOOOONG time now! I guess I haven't b/c nowadays people might think your a wierdo bringing them a pot of soup and may even be a little scared to eat things that other people have made(who they don't know...b/c we live in the country so our nieghbors are miles apart) BUT...eggs are a whole nother thing b/c they are what they are and haven't been tampered with so to speak. Thanks for the kick in the pants! I needed it! Blessings, Keri
You are a kind soul.

I live in a residential neighborhood where I can't have more than the 2 birds I currently provide safe harbor to (a sweet roo and a hen) but I've often thought that if I had lots of eggs, I would love to give them away with lovely inspirational messages about how kindly the birds who gave these gifts are treated. My hope would be to expand the collective consciousness about where our food comes from and how beings sharing the planet with us deserve to be treated as we ourselves want to be treated. What happens to chickens in the commercial world is still something most people are not the least bit tuned into, even though their short lives are stunningly deplorable in that world. I observe as people mindlessly load their shopping carts with eggs and birds raised in these conditions. Anything that can help people be more thoughtful with their choices is a service to the greater good. Just a thought in case at some point you or anyone else want to include something in your messages about kind, gentle care, fresh air, light, and joy the birds in your care experience. Not that you have to do another thing beyond what you're doing(!), but just in case you see what you're doing as a natural segway to gently increase appreciation for these beings that need us to be their voice.

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I just want to say that with the world the way it is today sometimes I get discouraged but what I have seen here has lifted my spirits so high! It is hard today to "walk the walk" and at times it can seem like you are alone on the journey, there are so few who seem to believe. You all have blessed and encouraged me with your words. God bless all of you!
Update 11/01/09

Our regular delivery day is always Monday or Tuesday but my son was approached by a older neighbor on Sunday. The old man was walking his dog(about half mile from his house) when he seen my son outside. After seeing our chicken house, the older guy approached my son and wanted to buy some eggs. My 15 yr old son has become very proud of the phrase “I can’t sell you any eggs but I can give you some”. After arguing with this old guy for a while who tried to insist on buying eggs my son came back to our house with plans to delivered a fresh doz of eggs to the old mans house a little later.

When my son arrived at the old mans house he told my son the story about how his chickens that had been killed by predators one by one and he wanted to find somewhere he could buy about a doz eggs a week. My son is very shy(takes it from his dad) and I was quite surprised at how well he described what we were doing with Sparrow Ministries and he NEVER left out any details about the Bible Verses on the cartons and an invitation to our church. He found out the old man attended a different church but was blessed to know that my son was a Christian. He actually got a “Praise the Lord” from the old guy. As my son was leaving the old man gave him a 50 lb bag of layer feed. My son agreed to take the gift only because the old man had said he had no use for the feed now that he no longer had any chickens. I believe my son was very much encouraged by the encounter as I know I was.

Blessings are abundant and I give the Lord my God all the PRAISE!
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