Special needs chickens contest

I was thinking the exact same thing! Lol coz Ive got a whole bunch of winners if thats the case

This is Virginia, a production red. She has a crooked neck. Birdlover rescued her from the farm she was working at when the other chicks were picking on her and walking all over her. After living in Birdlover's bathroom for several months, she asked if I would take her. She has now integrated into my flock. She is not very high in the pecking order, but she has learned to do deal. She is still a sweetie and likes to be held and cooed over.

(This looked better on the camera screen, lol.) This is Lefty, a bantam Cochin Frizzle. He hatched without his left wing. He had a little trouble when he was a chick, without both wings for balance, he had a tendency to flip over when running. Unfortunately, at least one of the smooth bantam Cochins he was living with decided to eat his feathers, so he's caged alone for the time being.
I have no picture, but the feed store nearby had a white cornish last spring that had 3 legs, that says something for quality control in hatcheries, huh ?
Anyway they get a shipment and here is this 1 cornish cross hen, with 3 legs, complete with toes, they named her tri-pod and have her photos on the counter at the cash register.
Apparently 2 legs work and 1 sticks out back where the vent would be, and the vent is off to the lfet side of the bird..very ofdd, and she is thier pet.
Creepy, huh ?
I wish I had a pic to show you all.
My Io is a special needs chicken. She was born without a foot. She limps a little, but that doesn't hold her back from living life to its fullest. I
this little spunky hen.

Here she is at one week old:

And here she is at 5 weeks old:

She is now nearly 9 weeks old and doesn't want to pose for the camera, as she is busy adjusting to having traded her two brothers for a sister and a mother.

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