Special needs chickens contest

here is my special Amelia

ever so curious

We once had a Belgian Quail D'Anvre roo whom we named Crossbeak. He was such a sweet guy; all the Belgians were. He loved treats and didn't really object to being held. He now rests in peace.
now that I think about it I also had a crossbeaked button quail, I think he got his beak hung on something and it was pretty nasty for a couple of days, eventually his beak just kept growing and I couldnt keepup with it malidies and he passed away. I believe it had gotten so cross he was having trouble with eating and drinking and since buttons are so small there wasnt much i could do for the poor little guy. He lived a happy life though.
I once had a lovely jap quail with overgrown beak. He scalped himself, twice, but lived to the age of 1.75 years before succumbing to old age (I bought him from a market selling them as food, lol. They all were scrawny and fleabitten-looking, I took pity on them and brought 2 home.). Anyway, Cheese was the naughtiest quail, who could always find a way of escaping the cage to free-range, though he never flew away, he was a smart boy
I miss him sometimes because the cage looks so empty without quail. LOL the grass is always greener on the other side

Here is cheese at about 1 year:

Just read through all of this thread. It makes me feel so sorry for all the poor little birdies. lol

I have a silkie hen named Muppet that has a minorly crooked beak.

Currently have a couple special ducks from this past season's hatch...

One blue Swedish mix hen that got the end of her beak pecked raw by some by some baby guineas when she was a baby. As she grew and it healed up, the pecked area kind of shriveled up, for lack of better words, so her top bill doesn't fully cover the bottom by about a half inch or so maybe. There's one little peak that sticks out in the middle, and the rest kind of curls in from the sides to make the shortened bill. (Hard to describe, that description probably makes no sense. LOL) She eats just fine though, so it's just a cosmetic defect for her.

The other little black Swedish mix drake is pretty much a miracle that he survived.... When he was big enough to start living outdoors, a goose, I believe, beat him up badly. Had fluff pulled out bald in spots, one side of his head/face particularly. I think one leg/foot was kind of swelled and messed up. And his bill was "broken." His upper bill was swelled up. His face looked awful. And he couldn't stand, or sit, upright without falling over.

He maintained his appetite and would eat and drink though, but I'd have to try to set him up so he could eat and drink. Sometimes I'd hold him in place while he ate and drank some. I didn't have much hope for him, but I kept flipping the little guy back over and setting him next to food and water.

And lo and behold, the little booger pulled through. Got better. Got up and started walking. Took quite a while to recuperate, but he did.

His growth was somewhat stunted from this process, so it took him longer to get feathered out and gain size and everything.

From his beak being broken, it has grown to be crooked and funky looking. But he does alright, all things considered. lol
I thought I would add that George is now sitting on eggs. She went broody last week so I gave her some eggs from a swap and from my coop. She is doing very good. She is still and always will live in the house with us. she has her own bedroom which is a cage with a nest in it and of course her food and water. She don't even bet mad at me when I candled the eggs. She's such a sweetie. She knows I wouldn't do anything to hurt her or her eggs. I'm sure she will be a great mother to her foster babies.
Last month DH and I were at a Tractor Supply and I was looking at the chicks and found one that looked odd. Well they took her out and was just going to put in the back to die for all I knew so I got her for free.


well she only lived a week but at least she got that long. We named her Fourwheeler since she had four legs.
I was calling her the four legged but peeping chick for it sounded like she peep out the rear.

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