Special needs chickens contest


This is Peepers (jeepers creepers where'd you get them peepers) cause I had to as a baby and still have to wipe little bubbles out of one eye, he has a crooked beak that I have to trim every few weeks so he can eat, and I have to clean his ears every few weeks or he can't hear.
Awesome! Congratulations Mommy George
Before you know it, those chicks will be all grown up and your Georgie girl will be a sweet lovable house chicken again.
We got a look at it today. I took George off the nest to make her eat and drink and got the chick out too. It's the most beautiful chicks we've had. It has a nice fluffy crest and just a ball of fluff. I'll get pics posted. It came from my chickens in the coop that i've hatched out many many chicks form but never got one that looks like that one. We're in awe over it. Definately a keeper.
I know he's not a chicken, but he,s defentally a special needs fellow.
This is trooper (drake). Before I had him he was neglected. He's missing an eye (lost it to infection) and he has a fused wing as well as an awkward walk from a stiff leg. Im happy to say I found him a special forever home with a older couple who are giving trooper and his lady friend, who as happens to be partally blind.
Trooper will all ways have a specail place in my heart!
This is my rooster Spike. He was born with a weird leg so I took him to the vet at 6 weeks old. Turns out it is dislocated and can only be fixed with surgery. But, he told me most birds don't survive surgery. His leg is completely backwards, but he can get around quite well. So now he lives inside with us and has become quite spoiled to sleeping on the back of the recliner and watching TV. He is a year old now.

This is Tito, given to me by a friend of a friend. She was hatched out deformed so that her right leg is permanently bent and completely unusable. She has to hop along on her one 'good leg' which has extra toes. We are currently remodeling our coop to make it handicap acessible for he since she can't fly or usea ramp. Surprisingly she is the ruler of the roost! despite the fact she can't chase anyone down, she packs a mean bite. lol



This is 'booboo' a Mille Fleur d'Uccle chick that was born with bent under toe. I didn't feel splinting was the best option so we had it amputated. She is the sweetest little birdie!!! I LOVE her
Boo's sibling looks just like her and has curled/bent toes.
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