Special needs chickens contest

Well, we all love our birds; everyone on this forum shows that, and it's been wonderful to find a group of people who are as daffy about chickens as I am! I was lucky with Hoppy: his will to live was as strong as anything I've ever seen. So I got a chance to really go all out, and it worked.

Wish I did have a video camera! My phone's a little too primitive to do decent movies. But then, he tends to get stage fright when I pull out a camera anyway.

Motoclown, I bet Hoppy would love having that cart tricked out. A nice basecoat, some flames, maybe a teeny-weeny logo . . . hmm. Wonder if he prefers Mustang or Camaro?
Please please please ..... All of you who posted pics, pm me your address' so that one day should I have a "special" chicken, I could send it to you all instead of culling it!
This is May, my special needs hen. She was a rescue from the Brooklyn NY SPCA that I rescued last fall. She only has half of her lower beak, and very little of her upper beak. She pretty much can do every day things. She does have a small problem preening sometimes, so i have had to give her a bath once or twice. I do make sure she gets her treats smaller and hand fed instread of thrown on the ground with everyone elses. she is such a doll. Seems like she KNOWS that i rescued her. She gives me such love back, and you can see it in her eyes, i swear you can.

On the day I brought her home.





Her first bath!




that's my Girl!!!!
Wow Barrdwing, your dedication is so amazing! The car is great! I love reading through this thread! I have 2 special needs pets, Chief, a Chi mix dog who was born blind and a Baby Huey, a domestic duck with severe leg deformities. I am so pleased to read about other people who see poultry as birds who deserves to live a full life, even if they are not in a fully functioning body. I would happily take on other special needs pets as they ARE thankful for you taking them in and helping them to live the happiest life possible. Bless you all!!
I adore this thread.

I love people like you guys!
Don't meet many in a lifetime sadly!
Keep up the great work!
I had a cross beak chick...she lived to be 9 weeks old...I had her put to sleep. She was an Ameracauna, the bantams I got at the same time outgrew her. I saw her in the bin with her ever so slightly crooked face and I just had to take her home. All I could think of is what would happen to her if I didn't and someone who didn't want to give a chicken a chance did?
She was a sweet happy little girl, my Penelope....she just wasn't healthy and I tried everything. Poor thing...at least she was loved.
Had another one like that last year, a Barred Rock that was smashed under a waterer at TSC. He only made it four days....poor fella.
I currently have a Roo who lost some toes to frostbite...he'll be a house pet when this is all said and done...I can see it now.
It sucks when you lose them....but they always seem to let you know they appreciated you.
I miss my Penelope and Beepers...but they were treated well while they were here...and they have very nice graves. You do what you can and you should...you shouldn't wonder what you could have done.
Kudos to all of you!
You've made my day!
So much garbage in the world...
Again...keep up the great work!
Thanks, SeramaChick!
With Hoppy, it was a sort of "he doesn't know when to quit, and neither do I!" situation. He's a great bird and one heck of a character; I'm really glad that he pulled through. It's great to hear about the efforts that other people have made with critters that are down on their luck--it's a real morale-booster. There are some good folks on this forum!
this thread put a huge smile on my face. I am a proud owner to many "specials" . They truly are special in every way imaginable. & Omg HOPPY is amazing !!

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