Special needs chickens contest

A little late.. but heres Becky my wonderful disabled bantam hen
She has one leg with crooked toes and another leg which is extremely deformed (it is backwards and twisted.. so bad
)and not usable.


Becky was raised in a classroom in which she was not cared for enough as a chick. She developed an extreme leg deformity and crooked toes that the teacher didn't correct. So sadly her leg disabilities became permanent. When I had the teacher the following year I heard the story and saw her living conditions. She lived in a small cage in the back of the room filled with dirty newspapers. The teacher next door complained and I ended up adopting her. Now Becky is much less stressed and lives in a coop with a grassy run. I love the little chicken because she is so sweet and still loving towards humans. She is definately the best pet ive ever had, plus she got me obsessed with chickens. She is such a great animal to have around


You can see how her leg is completely horizontal --- in the pic

She rocks!
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AWWW Poor girl. That must have been painful to endure. I"m glad you took her in so she could live a more comfortable life and be happy. It's so sad how people treat animals. And in a classroom. The teacher should have taught those kids to be merciful and help her by trying to correct the problem instead of ignoring it. That had to be terrible to see all those people and nobody tried to help her. My heart goes out to her and thank you for helping her.
I agree with the above post! I really respect the people that take time out to help the unfortunate ones! Hooray for you & your little girl!
Wow he is gorgeous! Like a model for chicken decore
! I must put my little peep on here as soon as I figure out how to down load pictures to this site. Do you use photo bucket or ??? Except with photo bucket it just leaves a link verses permanent pic. Help?
. She is a BO and has twisted severe leg and cranky lookn toes on the other foot but gets around as if she were a gracefull ballerina...somewhat
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wow poor birdies but such loving owners
my girl tiny was born with a folded under toe and slightly splayed legs. she's a house chicken now and so so sweet


tiny is on the far right

Arizona hatched 4 days early. because he was underdeveloped he had decreases muscle density. within a week his toes had curled, then his legs weakened and soon he couldn't walk at all, only lie on his side or back. most people would probably cull at this point, but i decided to put him on some high quality canned cat food and show grower that had extra protien at six weeks. within a few weeks he could keep his balance, then hobble around on his hocks. then hold himself up for a few seconds on his feet. one set of toes uncurled, then the other. he is now 16 or 17 weeks and still has to sort of lock his hock joints to stay upright for a long period of time, but he is walking better every day! GO ARI!!!
here's ari and his sister, pheonix

ari as a baby

My serama, Pamala also has a slightly crossed beak, not too bad tho

ceena is my most special needy chicken of all. seriously she needs help she's crazy


toast is too



Toaster and Ceena

oh and i forgot to add, tiny's also blind in one eye.
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I don't know if she counts, but my cornish cross pullet is blind in one eye, not to mention how fat she is.
Every night I have to put her in the coop because she doesn't have the cordination to get up there.

I've been meaning to ask if anyone else has had a chick hatch out with no eyes? This is my dear little Sonar. Her father was a white Silky and her mother a millefleur d'Uccle. (We didn't allow that cross again!)

She is nearly two years old, has never laid an egg, and lives in her own private flat in the barn. She swings her head like Stevie Wonder and pecks at the air, using her beak like a cane to find things. When she first hatched I had to take her away from her mother and teach her how to eat . . . it took days, we nearly lost her. I ended up hand-raising her, and she is the sweetest bird ever. She used to ride along with me to work in a cat carrier when she was little, tucked into a sour cream tub with a washcloth and a feather duster, until she was old enough and savvy enough to take care of herself in her apartment. At night I bring her inside and she sleeps in a plastic tub on top of the washing machine, where she exchanges comments with Hoppy and Quercus, who also sleep inside. We joke that she's flirting with her two mysterious beaus that she's never seen.

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