Special needs chickens contest

Mary Belle:


She's blind in one eye. We got her from McMurray, she came to us with her little handicap. I had to feed her with a syringe for the first week she was here because she couldn't find the food. But she figured it all out and is getting along very well now. In the first pic, I had snuck up on her. I don't think shed figured out I was there yet. The eye doesn't dialate, and she doesn't react to movement on that side, you can also see she's missing some feathers around that eye(when she was a chick she used to scratch and scratch at that eye). In the second pic, I said her name and got her attention. So she turned to check me out with her good eye. She's a complete sweetie, and one of my favorite girls
Ok I know this is a silly question/comment, but I didnt know that chickens could get cancer. Is there anyway to tell? Did you have to take her to the vet?

I love this posting because its nice to see that not every chick is culled when it has problems
Agreed! Or put like an awesome flag on it, maybe like a boom box so he can impress the ladies as he drives by... You should see about him being a therapy chicken!
Any animal can get cancer, you just don't hear about it as much in non-pet species. In fact, chickens are extremely prone to reproductive cancers and are even being used to research ovarian cancer and cancer-fighting diets. I have a friend who is doing research into diet and the effects on cancer using chickens. They slaughtered 50 birds, the oldest of them being 5 years old, and every single one of them had one kind of cancer or another! They did ultrasounds on them before slaughtering and necropsies on them after to determine the type and incidence of cancer.

As for telling in a hen that's still alive, I'm not sure how you would do that without a vet visit. I know at my vet, the first test to determine if a mass is possibly cancerous is to do a fine needle aspirate and look at what kind of cells are present under a microscope. We also detect a lot of cancers using x-rays, and some using ultrasounds (although ultrasound is generally used to confirm a mass rather than diagnose it at my vet). And some masses you can actually feel just by palpating the abdomen (although there is no way to say definitively whether they are cancer just by feeling).
This is my 9 month old roo, Creed. He's one of 3 chicks that I hatched last October-----Apollo and Starfire are his hatchmates. Creed was normal at hatch up until about the time he was feathered out. I don't know if he injured himself or if it was a dislocated tendon, but he has a lot of spirit and gets around well for having a bent up leg. He never crowed until last week, so I had thought he was a hen----somehow it's better he's a roo.


Here he is with his pen-mates.

One more with a silkie.

Pics. of his hatchmates----in case you were curious.


This is a link to our Scrambled egg makers
I finally got them on here. Just dont know how to download them directly on here.

The first Pics are of our special needs Roo...I think he is a Roo....just doesnt crow but is same age as others.
His name is Peep. He is a Buff Orp. He loves a good bath and the hair...feather...dryer! Scoots around mostly but tries very hard when walking! He is a tough EGG!
His comb is flat and twisted, had to seperate from the other roos so not to be pecked out. He likes having his own room inside

His whole back leg is twisted backwards and the other is just in the foot..I think he has scholiosis too...wings are a bit crooked, off and short on one side.
We rescued him from kindergaurten project but i think his issues wern't so much from the k-5ers but genetics of some sort.
He is sweetie though!

The next few pics are of our 1 Hen...Dott, she is a Silver Laced Wyndotte, and two other Roo's Twitter and Chirpey. They are Buff Orps as well.

We love our feathered children and are about to adopt a few more....don't tell my husband...it's a surprise

http://s1196.photobucket.com/albums/aa420/ChrisChristie6/Christians feathered friends/
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I recently aquired a special needs little chick, unknowingly but it will be greatly loved. This is Tommy Two Toes, was born with two of his toes fused together, he gets along just fine just a little slower than his siblings

He is the chick to the far left, with his normal siblings

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