Special needs chickens contest

his is Buttons, my favorite special needs chicken in the whole world! We got her and her siblings for free off of Craigslist. She has a partially unattached comb, hobble legs, and mental problems. But she is so sweet! She falls asleep at my touch and no one else's! She also will only rest her head on me!
you buttons!
Here is an orpington cockerel that was born with a very short back. He has to carry his head back over his body for balance. He can eat and poop fine, just funny looking.

Yes, he does fine. I only have him in with a small handful of other chickens, younger cockerels like him, and for some reason a pullet that was smaller than her age group and was hiding out too much so I put her in with the rat pack. When he was much smaller, he was slow feathering and got his back end picked all the feathers off, so he looks even funnier now than if he had all what mother nature gave him in the first place.
My most special special-needs girl. I tell all my chickens they're my favorite, but she truly is. I knock crickets just a little cookoo so they're too stunned to get away from her. That way she feels like she's a real chicken. She gets special treats & extra long free-ranging time. She recognizes my voice & coos to help me find her & give her treats when all the other chickens are busy jostling over theirs. I wish she had two eyes, but she has only one. Her mom provides another perspective for her when she takes a shoulder ride & presses her damaged eye against my face. I love this girl...

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