Speckled egg but my chickens don't lay speckled eggs...

Bocktobery 10

10 Years
Oct 8, 2010

Concerned chicken mommy here hoping someone might know something about this potential problem I found today.

I noticed today that one of the eggs I collected was speckled and that the speckles were upraised- obviously not a part of the shell coloring. So, I thought that this was odd and so I tried to wash the speckles off, thinking it was maybe dirt- really just wondering what the heck it was. Well, the speckles did wash off and left a reddish pink oily residue (very lightly) on the paper towel that I used to dry the egg off with.

For you experienced chicken people, does this sound like a serious problem to you? It seemed the speckles were encased or had dried onto within that protective residue in which eggs have- I don't know what it is called but it helps protect the egg/chick to grow inside. (This protective encasement that I am talking about is clear and not really noticeable once an egg has been sitting around for a while.) Could this be mites or lice or some other problem?

The chickens seem to be fine otherwise but then again I am a newbie and I am realize I may not be as experienced to notice something wrong. They are active and eating as well as they ever had. I would appreciate any suggestions... Also, can anyone recommend a really good in-depth book about chicken ailments and treatments?

Many thanks in advance!
I know what you're talking about. I don't know what it's called, or what causes it, but it seems completely harmless. It just happens every once in a while. I wouldn't worry about it if everything else seems OK.
Just happens on and off. Like double yolkers, weird shaped eggs, eggs with ridges on them, bumps, speckles, lumps and warts (just kidding there
) and forgetting to put the shell on altogether.
Thank you everyone for your replies.

I'm pretty sure they are not calcium deposits. Its not exactly attached to the shell. It is upraised but I could wash them off- that is what concerned me. My chickens are not a year old yet and there are three that are not laying yet. Yeah, it does seem like whomever it was needed to do a 'chimney sweep'. Whatever it was it did not seem like poo or calcium deposits. It looked just like a speckled egg upon looking at it. Doesn't look like my bedding or anything I feed them. After wiping it off, it left an oily pink residue on the paper towel. I got concerned it was blood spotting or something indicative of an internal problem.

Anyway... if that is what you had also, then I guess she should be ok... One less worry for this season! I am new to this and worrying like a new momma over anything different!

Thanks again!

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