Speckled eggs?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 18, 2014

Just a quick question, we have a Speckledy hen which has started laying recently, we were expecting her to lay a speckled egg. However, the first egg was pale with very pale purplish speckles/marks on and very few and far between. The others since then have either been completely free from any marks at all or a normal coloured egg that is covered in very fine white spots, could this just be the 'bloom' I have heard about in this forum?

Will she ever lay a proper speckled egg? We went for four different types of chickens that 'should' lay different types of eggs so we could tell which chicken lay which egg.

This was the first with the very pale purple marks (you have to look closely)...

And this is the egg with fine white spots on, is this just the 'bloom?'

Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance Claire x
Ok, I'm posting here so I can follow this thread. I know some breeds will lay a darker brown (Marans). My EE lay ranges that go from blue white, to olive and the rest of my bunch lay 50 shades of brown. I do get some with speckles, but, I never knew any breed was characterized as specifically laying a speckled egg. Help me out here and educate me, folks!

edit: the egg in the lower picture looks to be a porous shell, to me. They really show the porosity when you candle them.
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Ok, I'm posting here so I can follow this thread. I know some breeds will lay a darker brown (Marans). My EE lay ranges that go from blue white, to olive and the rest of my bunch lay 50 shades of brown. I do get some with speckles, but, I never knew any breed was characterized as specifically laying a speckled egg. Help me out here and educate me, folks!
I am not 100% sure that she is meant to lay a speckled egg but this was what we were told when we went to choose our girls. It obviously wouldn't be a problem if she never did but was just curious. We also have an Amber Star who lays a normal egg and two that haven't laid yet. One of them being a Cream Legbar which I understand may lay a powder blue egg and a Black Copper Maran who should lay a very dark egg.

It sounds like you have a great set of layers, with lot's of colours going on.

Claire x
If it was a very porous shell would that affect the egg to eat? Sorry if that sounds silly. We are very new to this.
Fine to eat. Not the best for hatching, so I've been told. Dries out to fast while incubating.

Todays collection:

I like the two tone ones. 2nd from lower left.
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Fine to eat. Not the best for hatching, so I've been told. Dries out to fast while incubating.

Todays collection:

I like the two tone ones. 2nd from lower left.
Wow just one days worth!!...lovely. How many chickens do you actually have? x
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Wow just one days worth!!...lovely. x

It could have been better. I've got six broodies taking up parking space. The others are getting impatient and laying eggs on the coop floor. We get more than shown. I was tryng to post the range of colors we come up with.

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