Splash rooster colours


In the Brooder
Dec 11, 2023
i bought this splash rooster and got him yesterday from an orpington breeder and wanted to know wether they're supposed to have yellow feathers or not? i've never seen them on one and they don't really seem visible in the photos i recieved of him either (the last 3(the ones before that were taken by me)).


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If it's for sure the feather color and not just dirty, this would be considered leakage. They shouldn't have leakage but it does happen.
If it's for sure the feather color and not just dirty, this would be considered leakage. They shouldn't have leakage but it does happen.
Do you know if the yellow feathers would transfer to chicks? I’m planning on breeding him with 2 splash and 2 blue hens
It depends on what genes the hens carry, they may have genes that would stop the leakage from showing. If you are breeding to the SOP to show is different than breeding for your enjoyment.

I'm not an expert on genetics, but if you do a search for leakage in BBS (might need to try some different working there) you should find posts about it and how it can be bred out. If you can't, make a post in the Exibition and Genetics forum, there are some amazing genetics folks on here!
His feather health doesn't look great. Have you checked him for external parasites? Hopefully, some time on a good 20% feed will fix the issue after this falls molt. If he still looks all scraggly after that, I wouldn't breed him.

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