Splayed legs... do I need to cull?


In the Brooder
May 9, 2020
I’ve just hatched my first ever chicks and planning on raising my first ever chickens. The very first one to hatch was a silkie! She is extremely small and so was her egg, But something was wrong with it. Her legs go out to the side and when flopping around her legs would occasionally hook her wings. She’d flip around in the incubator, but never had control of what she was doing. and after 24 hours I took her into the brooder and tied her legs together with “vet tape”, it sticks to itself but not you. It’s been another 24 hours and while I’ve noticed she can push a little harder, but still not even attempting to straighten her legs out or lift up her chest. She loves to drink water, i put some electrolyte water in a bottle cap and she goes crazy. So I think other than her legs she’s doing fine. This is the only silkie to hatch out of 4, and I’ve had 7 out of 8 others hatch just fine. I want to keep her and work through this, but I am no expert and don’t know if it’s possible, if needed I can upload more pictures but I am not home now.


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